Optimizing Treatment Prescription:
Relating Treatment to the Underlying
Mobilization and Exercise
Body Positioning
Clinical Application of Airway Clearance Techniques
Facilitating Airway Clearance with Coughing Techniques
Facilitating Ventilation Patterns and Breathing Strategies
This course is designed to provide the cardiopulmonary physical therapy students an introduction to the cardiopulmonary interventions and home care of patients with chronic cardiopulmonary diseases. The use of evidence-based physical therapy intervention for cardiovascular, pulmonary, and lymphatic systems disorders is emphasized. Topics will focus on comparing contemporary and traditional interventions and the impact of evolving technology in this area.
Exercise Testing and Training Secondary Cardiopulmonary
Respiratory Muscle Weakness and Training
Patient Education
1. The students will be able to identify the benefits and expected outcomes of exercise therapy in cardiopulmonary rehabilitation.
2. The students will be able to determine appropriate cardiopulmonary interventional prescription for patients with various types of lung disease including frequency (times per week or session), intensity, time (duration) and type (mode of exercise).
3. The students will be able to discuss ways to properly monitor patients during cardiopulmonary rehabilitation including cardiac, vital signs, oxygenation and work of breath.
4. The students will be able to explain the appropriate use and benefit of long term oxygen therapy.
5. The students will be able to identify strategies for patient education.