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Intensive Care Physical Therapy Management: Course Outline

course code: CPTIC-7103

Course content

Comprehensive Patient Management in the Intensive Care Unit

  • Evidence-based practice 
  • Function optimization 
  • Physiological evidence 
  • Prevention 
  • Quality care 
  • Scientific evidence 
  • Treatment goals 
  • Treatment selection and prioritization

Intensive care, monitoring and support

  • Introduction 
  • The environment 
  • Monitoring 
  • Support 
  • Literature appraisal


  • Introduction 
  • Indications 
  • Airway 
  • Principles 
  • Benefits 
  • Complications 
  • Settings 
  • Modes 
  • Positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) 
  • High-frequency ventilation 
  • Weaning and extubation

Physical Therapy for patients in intensive care

  • Assessment 
  • Handling patients who are critically ill 
  • Techniques to increase lung volume 
  • Techniques to clear secretions 
  • Exercise and rehabilitation 
  • Recognition and management of emergencies 
  • On calls

Intensive Care Unit Management of Primary Cardiopulmonary Dysfunction

  • Cardiopulmonary failure 
  • Coronary artery disease 
  • Obstructive lung disease 
  • Primary cardiopulmonary dysfunction 
  • Restrictive lung disease 
  • Status asthmatic

Intensive Care Unit Management Of Secondary Cardiopulmonary Dysfunction

  • Burns 
  • Head injury 
  • Morbid obesity 
  • Musculoskeletal trauma 
  • Neuromuscular dysfunction
  • Spinal cord injury 
  • Other Surgical Conditions

Miscellaneous Disorders in intensive care patients

  • Lung disease 
  • Neuromuscular disorders 
  • Chest trauma 
  • Systems failure 
  • Multisystem failure 
  • Acute respiratory distress syndrome 
  • Poisoning and parasuicide 
  • Smoke inhalation 
  • Near-drowning 
  • The neonatal ICU 
  • Modifications for specific neonatal disorders 
  • Emergencies in the neonatal unit

Course Description

As cardiopulmonary physical therapy in the intensive care unit (lCU) is a specialty in itself, this course presents some general aspects of clinical and nonclinical management in this setting. An overview of the general goals of treatment and the rationale for prioritizing treatments according to a physiological hierarchy is described. Both clinical and nonclinical aspects of patient management are presented. Finally, issues related to the management of the dying patient are addressed.

Course Objective

1. The students will be able to understand all the necessary intensive care physical therapy protocol.

2. The students will be able to develop all the in-depth knowledge and skills of the intensive care physical therapy

3. The students will be able to demonstrate all the intensive care monitoring and devices

4. The students will be able to explain the consequence of exercise and increase ventilatory demand on pulmonary Mechanics. 

5. The student will be able to write exercise prescription related to cardiopulmonary conditions

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