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Professional Practice in Physical Therapy: Course Content (MSPP-733)

Course description:

Course Description:

The course will discuss the role, responsibility, ethics administration issues and accountability of the physical therapists. The course will also cover the change in the profession to the doctoral level and responsibilities of the professional to the profession, the public and to the health care team. The topic of health care system in Pakistan with comparison with current health system abroad will be discussed too. The role of specialist therapist in community is discussed and how the specialist can be beneficial for people. In the contents the role of Physical therapist as administrative is also to be discussed.

Learning Objectives:

 The students will be able to define the concept of ethics in physical therapy practice.
 The students will be able to identify practice issues in physical therapy.
 The students will be able to know the responsibilities of a physical therapist towards the patient, general public and to the health care team.

Recommended Book

Course Content

1. The physical therapist as professional
 What does professional mean?
 Autonomy, self-regulation of ethical standards, and accountability
 Self-regulation of ethical standards
 Ozar’s models of professionalism as applied to physical therapy
 Physical therapy and concepts of professionalism
 Individual professionalism—professionalism without professions?
2. The history of a profession
 Social history, Pioneers of physical therapy
 Goals of physical therapy professional organizations, Ethical issues
 Professional recognition, The world confederation for physical therapy
3. Contemporary practice issues
 Perspective of the profession, Perspective of the practitioner
 Direct access issue, Perspective of the profession
 Legislation affecting direct access to physical therapy in selected states
 Components of a practice pattern, Broadening the practice context
 The APTA and political action
4. The physical therapist as Patient/client manager
 Patient/client management, Evaluation and diagnosis
 Use of the term physical therapy diagnosis
 Diagnosis as clinical decision making, Prognosis

 Discharge planning and discontinuance of care, Discharge planning
 Outcomes, Clinical decision making, Referral relationships
 Technological advances, Interpersonal relationships
 The participation method assessment instrument (pmai) in physical therapy
 Ethical and legal issues
 Code of ethics and guide for professional conduct
 Managed care and fidelity
5. The physical therapist as Consultant
 Consultation in business
 Client needs met by physical therapy consultants
 Building a consulting business
 Consulting fees, The consulting process
 The skills of a good consultant
 Trust in the consultant/client relationship
 Ethical and legal issues in consultation
 Contract law, Components of a consulting agreement
 APTA code of ethics and guide for professional conduct
6. The physical therapist as Critical inquirer
 The history of critical inquiry
 Evidence-based medicine
 The foundation for physical therapy
 Clinical research networks
 Steps in applying evidence-based medicine, Outcomes research
 Database sources of evidence for practice
 Whose responsibility is research, Criteria for critical inquiry
 Roles of the staff physical therapist in critical inquiry
 Application and critique of research, Publication of case reports
 Guidelines for critiquing research reports, Collaboration in clinical research
 Assessment of new concepts and technology
 Ethical and legal issues in critical inquiry

Course Content

7. The physical therapist as Educator
 The history of physical therapy education
 Contemporary educational roles of the physical therapist
 Teaching opportunities in clinical education
 Criteria for clinical physical therapy faculty
 Criteria for clinical physical therapy faculty
 Academic teaching opportunities
 Theories of teaching and learning in professional education
 Continuing competence, Academic integrity and Vulnerability of students
8. The physical therapist as Administrator
 The history of physical therapy administration
 Contemporary physical therapy administration
 Patient/client management, Billing for physical therapy services
 CPT codes commonly used by physical therapists
 Documentation & general rules of documentation
 Direction and supervision of support personnel, First-line management
 Budget responsibilities, operations responsibilities, human resource
responsibilities, information responsibilities,

 Midlevel managers and chief executive officers
 Leadership
 The administrator’s role and conflict of interest
9. Management in health care
 Becoming a manager, Transitioning from patient care to management , Mentoring
 Large health-care organizations, Management of other health-care settings
 Mid-level managers, People management, A manager’s sense of perspective, And
industriousness, Horizontal communication, Vertical communication
 Other contemporary people management issues, The nature of work , Workforce
diversity, Racial/ethnic diversity, General gaps , Financial issues
 Implementation of plans , Managers and patients ,Managers in health care
10. Legal and ethical responsibilities
 Rights and duties , Remedies , Legal concerns of managers , Contracts , Torts
 Professional malpractice, Managers and harm to patients.
 Employment laws, Background checks and other credentials , Patient consent
 Patient confidentiality Bill of patients’ rights , Duties of organizations
 Managerial ethics , Conflicts of interest
11. Communication responsibilities
 Oral communication, Formal meetings , Job interview sessions
 Telephone communications, Conducting business meetings , Group presentations
 Teleconferences, Written communication , Memoranda and letters
 E-mails, Posted announcements , Reports , Manuals, Proposals
 Web pages and other publications , Communication and health literacy
 Communication hurdles , Overcoming communication hurdles
 The message , The method, Listening , The grapevine
12. Professional development, Competence, and expertise

 The professional development continuum: from competence to expertise
 Activities that promote professional development
 Evaluation of competence and professional development
 Mandatory continuing education. Reexamination, Professional portfolio
 Professional development planning, Possible evaluators of professional
 Career advancement, Organizational impact on professional development

13. Future challenges in physical Therapy

 Physical therapy’s moral mission, The individual realm
 The societal realm, Professionalism and the physical therapist