Infant young child feeding: introduction, global strategy, importance of breastfeeding, local and international scenario, breastfeeding working; Breastfeeding practices: assessing a breastfeed, taking a feeding history, common breastfeeding difficulties, expressed breast milk; Breastfeeding counselling: listening and learning, building confidence and giving support, counselling for infant feeding decisions, counselling cards tools; Complementary feeding practices: importance, cup - feeding and hygienic preparation of food, replacement feeding in the first 6 months, foods to fill energy and micronutrients gap, quantity and frequency of feeding, feeding techniques, food demonstration; Breastfeeding related topics: growth charts, maternal illnesses and breast feeding, breast conditions, health care practices, International code of marketing of breast milk substitutes, checking understanding and arranging follow-up, feeding during illness and low-birth-weight babies; Feeding guidelines of various global agencies – WHO etc.; Complex challenges to implementing the global strategy for infant and young child feeding.
To identify problems affecting infant and young child feeding and provide a framework of essential interventions
To create an environment that will enable mothers, families and other caregivers to implement optimal feeding practices
Breastfeeding counselling; Preparation of indigenous complementary foods; Therapeutic foods; Infant formulas for various needs; Growth monitoring: APGAR (Appearance, Pulse rate, Grimace, Activity and Respiration) score, Growth charts. Visits of hospitals and day care centers.