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Infant and Young Child Feeding: Course Content (BSIF613)

Infants should be breastfed within one hour of birth, exclusively breastfed for the first six months of life, and thereafter should receive nutritionally adequate and safe complementary foods while continuing breastfeeding up to two years and beyond.


Infant young child feeding: introduction, global strategy, importance of breastfeeding, local and international scenario, breastfeeding working; Breastfeeding practices: assessing a breastfeed, taking a feeding history, common breastfeeding difficulties, expressed breast milk; Breastfeeding counselling: listening and learning, building confidence and giving support, counselling for infant feeding decisions, counselling cards tools; Complementary feeding practices: importance, cup - feeding and hygienic preparation of food, replacement feeding in the first 6 months, foods to fill energy and micronutrients gap, quantity and frequency of feeding, feeding techniques, food demonstration; Breastfeeding related topics: growth charts, maternal illnesses and breast feeding, breast conditions, health care practices, International code of marketing of breast milk substitutes, checking understanding and arranging follow-up, feeding during illness and low-birth-weight babies; Feeding guidelines of various global agencies – WHO etc.; Complex challenges to implementing the global strategy for infant and young child feeding.

Learning Outcomes

 To identify problems affecting infant and young child feeding and provide a framework of essential interventions
 To create an environment that will enable mothers, families and other caregivers to implement optimal feeding practices

Recommended Books


Breastfeeding counselling; Preparation of indigenous complementary foods; Therapeutic foods; Infant formulas for various needs; Growth monitoring: APGAR (Appearance, Pulse rate, Grimace, Activity and Respiration) score, Growth charts. Visits of hospitals and day care centers.

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