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Scientific Inquiry and Research Methodology: Course Outline BSSR613


Research methods in nutrition: Introduction, objectives, types of research: basic and applied, quantitative and qualitative, clinical and diagnostic; Types of sampling: probability and non- probability; Collection of literature: printed and electronic sources, managing literature; Methods of data collection; Writing scientific documents: synopsis, research proposal, articles, references, internship report. Research designs: observational studies, cross-sectional, case-control, cohort (prospective, retrospective, time-series); Experimental studies: observational studies, clinical studies. Experimental data analysis: incidence/ prevalence rate; Research ethics.

Learning Outcomes

 To apply tools and skills required to understand published research

 To identify the types of methods best suited for investigating different types of problems and questions
 To get hands-on training of writing successful research proposals for thesis and projects
 To abreast ethical consideration in research and publications


Scientific Inquiry

Scientific inquiry is a form of problem-solving and questioning that helps people come to a greater understanding of observable phenomena. An understanding of this style of scientific reasoning forms the basis upon which the nature of science itself rests. Once you become familiar with scientific inquiry, you can use it for specifically science-related study or as just one additional tool in your arsenal of clinical thinking skills.