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Food Analysis: Course Outline

course code: BSFA613

Learning Outcomes

    • To highlight the significance of food analysis in product development and overall quality
    • To comprehend commonly employed types of analysis for product characterization
    • To prepare and standardize commonly used lab solutions


Food analysis: significance; Sampling: techniques, preparation, preservation; Physical properties and analysis of foods and food products: appearance, texture, specific gravity, refractive index, rheology; Chemical analysis: significance; Proximate analysis: moisture, ash, proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, fiber, NFE, acidity, pH, sugars, mineral elements, vitamins – significance, methods; Chromatography: paper, thin layer; Spectroscopy: atomic emission, atomic absorption; Sensory evaluation of foods: attributes, difference and preference tests, consumer acceptance. Overview of the commonly employed statistical methods.


Lab safety requirements; Preparation and standardization of laboratory solutions; Sampling; Determination of specific gravity, refractive index, moisture, ash, crude protein, crude fat, crude fiber, NFE, pH and acidity; Estimation of vitamin C; Determination of mineral elements through flame photometer and atomic absorption spectrophotometer; Paper and thin layer chromatography; Identification of toxins by TLC; Sensory evaluation of foods.

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