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Research Methods in Nutrition: Course Outline (HNRN-613)

Course Contents

Research methods in nutrition:

  • Introduction, objectives,
  • Types of research: basic and applied, quantitative and qualitative, clinical and diagnostic;
  • Types of sampling: probability and nonprobability; Collection of literature: printed and electronic sources, managing literature;
  • Methods of data collection; Writing scientific documents: synopsis, research proposal, articles, references, internship report.
  • Research designs: observational studies, cross-sectional, case-control, cohort (prospective, retrospective, time-series);
  • Experimental studies: observational studies, clinical studies.
  • Experimental data analysis: incidence/ prevalence rate; Research ethics.

Learning Outcomes:

  • To apply tools and skills required to understand published research
  • To identify the types of methods best suited for investigating different types of problems and questions
  • To get hands-on training of writing successful research proposals for thesis and projects
  • To abreast ethical consideration in research and publications
