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ANATOMY- I: Course content (MLAN-513)

Course description


  • Anatomical Nomenclature
  • Structural and functional organization
  • Terminology and body plan
  • Basic organization of the body


  • Dermis and epidermis
  • Superficial fascia and deep fascia

  1. Musculoskeletal System:
  • Components of the skeletal system


  • Different type of bones
  • Bones of the skull
  • Vertebral column, or spine
  • Ribs and the sternum
  • Bones of the upper limbs and shoulder
  • Bones of the lower limbs and pelvic girdle


  • Types of muscles, Voluntary, Involuntary & Cardiac Connective tissue, components of the connective tissue matrix Description of skeletal muscle, smooth muscle and cardiac muscle

Course description


Different types of joints

Respiratory System

  • The anatomy of the respiratory passages, beginning at the nose and ending with the alveoli.
  • The lobes of the lungs and the membranes that cover the lungs
  • Pleural cavity
  • The muscles of contraction of respiration

The Cardiovascular System

  • Anatomy of the Heart
  • Coronary arteries
  • The structure of the conduction system of the heart.
  • Pulmonary and systemic circulation
  • The structure of arteries, capillaries and veins.
  • Major arteries and veins and the body areas they supply/ drain


  • Study Axial and Appendicular skeleton on human skeletal model.
  • Study musculoskeletal system on human musculoskeletal model.
  • Study and understand anatomy of human body.
  • Human models
  • Video demonstration

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