Sodium and water metabolism
- Total water and sodium balance
- Control of sodium and water balance
- Distribution of water and sodium in the body
- Biochemical test basis of treatment of sodium and water disturbances
- Clinical feature of sodium and water disturbance Urinary sodium estimation
Potassium metabolism and water balance:
- Distribution of body fluids, were intake and output, dehydration and edema
The kidney and renal calculi
- Clinical chemistry of Renal Disorder
- Pathophysiology
- Clinical syndrome of renal disease
- Renal Calculi
- Renal function tests used in clinical investigation.
- Inulin and Creatinine clearance (GFR).
- Para-aminohippurate clearance (renal plasma flow).
- Maximum rate of tubular excretion of P-amino-hippurate (Tr-PAH) (measures excretory function of renal tubules).
- Maximum rate of reabsorption of glucose (Tmg) (measures reabsorption function of renal tubules)
- Classification of renal function tests used in clinical assessment of renal function.
- Blood urea nitrogen.
- Serum Urea.
- The phenolsulfonphthalein (PSP) test.
- Serum creatinine
- Creatinine Clearance
- Serum Uric Acid
- Electrolytes
- Composition of glomerular filtrate and change which occur in the tubules, normal urine, physical properties, and composition, pathological constituents and their determination,
- Quantitative Analysis of Urine
- Amino acids, Bence-Jones proteins, Calcium, Coproporphyrins, creatinine, glactose, phosphates, nitrogen, PH, specific gravity, Ca, p, Oxalates and urates. Determination of kidney function tests.
Investigation of renal, water, and Electrolytes disorder
Chemical Changes in Gastrointestinal tract
- Digestion and digestive enzymes, their control and mechanism of secretion, bile Absoprtion of water, Minerals, Fats, Carbohydrate and proteins.
- Amylase and lipase
- Metabolism of Na, Ca, P, Fe, Cu, and Co, Electrolyte balance and imbalance.
- Investigation of disorder of calcium metabolism.
- Pituitary gland
- Anterior and Posterior pituitary hormones,
- Hypothalamic hormones. Positive and negative feedback mechanism
- Parathyroid Gland function and associated disorder
- effects on Ca and phosphorus metabolism,
- Thyroid functions and chemistry,
- T3, T4, TSH,
- Hyperthyroidism
- Hypothyroidism
- Adrenal Glands.
- Hormones of the adrenal medulla and cortex.
- Hypo and Hyper secretion. Cushing’s syndrome.
- Addison’s disease
- Pheochromocytoma
- Male and Female sex hormones. (Testicular/ Ovarian/ Placental Hormones).
- Synthesis, secretion, actions, metabolism.
- A little information about Amenorrhea, Oligomenorrheoa, Hirsutism, Virilism, Spermatogenesis, Ovulation, Climacteric.
- Insulin effects on Glucose metabolism, secretion, structure. Hyperglycemia, Diabetes Mellitus. Antagonistic hormones
Carbohydrates Metabolism
- Definition and causes of hyperglycemia, Diabetes mellitus
- Criteria for diagnosing of diabetes mellitus
- Sample collection and processing for blood glucose determination
- Method for determination of blood glucose
- Method for interference and interpretation
- Reference interval
- Self-monitoring of blood glucose
- Definition of glycosuria
- Method of determination urinary glucose
- Name of ketone bodies
- Method for determination of ketone bodies in serum and urine
- Name of different glycated protein
- Method of determination of glycated protein
- Definition of hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia
- Lab diagnose of hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia.
Liver Metabolism
- Biochemical functions of the liver
- Diseases of the liver, cholestasis, Acute Hepatitis, chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis, hepatocellular failure, hepatic invasion or infiltration, metabolic liver diseases, Hemolytic jaundice, Jaundice in new born
- Lab diagnosis and interdiction of liver function test
- Method of determination of serum bilirubin
- Method of determination of liver enzymes
Plasma Lipid and lipoprotein
- Fatty acid, Triglyceride, phospholipid and cholesterol
- Lipoprotein metabolism
- Exogenous Lipid Pathways, Chylomicron metabolism
- Endogenous Lipid Pathways
- VLDL, HDL metabolism
- Disorder of Lipid metabolism
- Hyperlipidemia
- Hypercholesterolaemia,
- Hypertrigycridaemia,
- Mixed hyperlipidaemia
- Lab investigation of lipid profile
Bile Pigments and Urobillinogen in urine
- Two types of bile pigments and their characteristics.
- Constituents and derivation of bile which appear in the urine.
- Derivation of Bile in urine
- Routine screen test for bilirubin