The Freezing Method of Sectioning
- Advantages and disadvantages of freezing method
- Common techniques of freezing tissues
- Cutting sections with a freezing microtome
- Object of staining.
- Classification of stains.
- Acids and basic dyes.
- Basophilic and acidophilic tissue components.
Routine Haematoxyline-Eosin Staining of Paraffin Sections
- The procedure of haematoxyline-eosin staining and mounting sections.
- The relation of various steps in this procedure
Cryostat / Frozen Section
Histology of GIT
- Histology of Buccal cavity
- Histology of Esophagus
- Histology of stomach
- Histology of intestine
- Histology of Appendix
Cytopathology of following systems
- Basic principles of exfoliative cytology , Exfoliation, sites from which exfoliated cells can be obtained and methods for obtaining them.
- Morphology and physiology of cell, cytology of: female genital tract, urinary tract, gastrointestinal tract, respiratory tract, effusions, miscellaneous fluids, collection, preservation, fixation and processing of various cytological specimen, preparation and quality control of various stains and reagents used in cytology, all routine and special staining techniques in cytology, FNAC, immunocytochemistry, flowcytometry, automation in Cytology
- Difference between normal and cancerous cell
Fine needle aspiration
- Practicals
- Biopsy and type of Biopsy, merit and demmerits
Tissue Fixation , method , and morphological changes
- Tissue processing
- Embedding, sectioning
- Microtome cutting
- Hematoxylin & Eosin staining
- Tissue Identification microscopically
- Collection of samples and processing.
- Cytological fixatives and fixation.
- Collection and preparation of fluid sediment for cytological examination.
- Preparation and fixation of sputum smears for cytology and preparation.
- Morphology of normal and abnormal cells
- Karyotyping technique