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Physiology-II (PHYL112): Course Outline (PHYL 112)

Course descriptions

The course is designed to study the function of the human body at the molecular, cellular, tissue and systems levels. These topics are addressed by a consideration of the cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, and endocrinological systems. The integrative nature of physiological responses in normal function and disease is stressed throughout the course.

Learning objectives

  1. Describe functions of gastrointestinal tract, endocrinology andcardiovascular system
  2. Describe physiology at the molecular, metabolic/cellular, tissueand systems levels
  3. Differentiate the physiological responses in normal function anddisease stages

Course content


General function of gastrointestinal tract Enteric nervous system Control of gastrointestinal mobility and secretions Mastication Swallowing: mechanism and control Function, motility and secretions of stomach Function, motility and secretions of small intestine Function, motility and secretions of large intestine Function of GIT hormones Mechanism of vomiting and its control pathway Defecation and its control pathway Functions of liver Functions of, gallbladder and bile in digestion Endocrine & exocrine pancreas and functions of pancreas indigestion Dysphagia Physiological basis of acid peptic disease


Heart and circulation Function of cardiac muscle Cardiac pacemaker and cardiac muscle contraction Cardiac cycle ECG: recording and interpretation Common arrhythmias Types of blood vessels and their function Haemodynamics of blood flow (local control systemic circulation itsregulation and control). Peripheral resistance its regulation and effect on circulation Arterial pulse Blood pressure and its regulation Cardiac output and its control Heart sounds and murmurs Importance in circulation and controlof venous return. Coronary circulation Splanchnic, pulmonary and cerebral circulation Triple response and cutaneous circulation


Classification of endocrine glands Mechanism of action Feedback and control of hormonal secretion Functions of the hypothalamus Hormones secreted by the anterior and posterior pituitary and theirmechanism of action and function. Function of the thyroid gland Function of the parathyroid gland Calcium metabolism and its regulation Secretion and function of calcitonin Hormones secreted by the adrenal cortex and medulla, and theirfunction and mechanism of action Endocrine functions of the pancreas and control of blood sugar The endocrine functions of the kidney and Physiology of growth.

Lab Work

  1. Clinical significance of cardiac cycle, correlation of ECG and heartsounds
  2. Examination of arterial pulses Arterial blood pressure Effects of exercise and posture on blood pressure
  3. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (to be coordinated with thedepartment of medicine)

Recommended books


The students are expected to make a sketch book. The sketch book is a collection of evidence that learning has taken place. It is a reflective recordof achievements