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Biochemistry-II (BCHL-312): Course Outline (BCHL-312)

Course descriptions

This course will provide the knowledge and skills in fundamental organicchemistry and introductory biochemistry that are essential for further studies. It will also cover the basic biochemical, cellular, biological and microbiological processes, basic chemical reactions in the prokaryotic andeukaryotic cells, the structure of biological molecules, introduction to the nutrients i.e., carbohydrates, fats, enzymes, nucleic acids and amino acids.The course also covers the section of nutritional biochemistry.

Learning objectives

  1. Explain biochemical description of different human tissues
  2. Describe respiration at cellular and molecular level
  3. Explain metabolism of carbohydrates, protein and lipids

Course contents


Extracellular Matrix Collagen Elastin and Extracellular Matrix Components Biochemistry of Proteoglycans Bone & Teeth Muscle & Cytoskeleton


Introduction to Bioenergetics Biological Oxidations Electron Transport Chain and Oxidative Phosphorylation


Digestion & Absorption of Carbohydrates Glycolysis & its Regulation Citric Acid Cycle Metabolism of Glycogen Gluconeogenesis and regulation of blood glucose Pentose Phosphate Pathway & its Significance


Digestion & Absorption of Lipids Metabolism & Clinical Significance of Lipoproteins Fatty acid oxidation biosynthesis and metabolism of Triacylglycerols Metabolism & clinical Significance of Cholesterol Metabolism of Eicosanoids


Digestion of Proteins & Absorption of Amino Acids Transamination & Deamination of Amino Acids and urea cycle Specialized products formed from Amino Acids

Lab Work

Section 1

Techniques of Instruments in Clinical Biochemistry with examples.

1. Visible Spectrophotometry

2. Flame photometry

3. UV & IR spectrophotometry

4. Atomic Absorption spectrophotometry

5. pH Metry 6. Chromatography and determination of Amino Acids in Urine bypape chromatography


Section 2

Clinical quantatives analysis in Biochemistry

1. Sample Collection Blood, Faces and body fluids

2. Serum Glucose Estimation

3. Glucose tolerance Test (GTT)

4. Serum Cholesterol estimation (Total, HDL and HDL cholesterol)

5. Serum Bilirubin Estimation (Total, Direct and Indirect bilirubins)

6. Serum Amylase Estimation

7. Serum AST Estimation

8. Serum ALT Estimation

9. Serum ALP Estimation

10. Serum Creatine Kinase(CK) Estimation

11. Serum Ascorbic acid Estimation

12. Serum LDH Estimation

13. Serum Proteins Estimation (Total, Albumin & Globulin)

14. Serum Total lipids Estimation

15. Serum calcium Estimation (total, ionized & unionized)

16. Serum Uric acid Estimation

17. Serum Magnesium Estimation

18. Serum Urea Estimation

19. Serum Creatinine Estimation

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