This course provides an in-depth exploration of the assessment and intervention procedures used with persons with various neurological pathologies. The focus of this course will be on neurological problems acquired in adulthood. Theories of motor control and motor learning will be studied and applied to assessment and treatment. Laboratories will be used to strengthen evaluation and intervention skills, especially the analysis of movement as well as planning, practicing, and modifying treatment. Clinical competence in the evaluation and treatment of persons with neurological impairments is to be developed. It will focus on medical terminology, clinical examination, evaluation, comparing contemporary, and traditional interventions and the impact of evolving technology in this area.
Applied anatomy and physiology of the nervous system
Neurological examination
Different theories of Motor Control and Motor Learning, their limitation,s and clinical implications.
Neurodevelopmental (NDT) approaches and their clinical implications in the management of patients with neurological pathologies such as;
Contemporary approaches and their clinical implications in the management of patients with neurological pathologies such as;
Construct treatment strategies to improve, strength, Balance, coordination, locomotion and gait, skill acquisition, postural control, mobility functions. Role of sensory system in improving motor control and sensory rehabilitation.
Neurological dysfunctions
Peripheral nerve disorders and management