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Scientific inquiry & research methodology (SIRL401): EndNote

What is EndNote

EndNote is a commercial reference management software package, used to manage bibliographies and references when writing essays and articles. It is produced by Thomson Reuters.

Some Features:

  • This software can be used with Microsoft Word, Apple Pages '09, Writer 3, and Mathematica 8, to insert citations and create bibliographies in any style while composing books or research papers.
  • Most bibliographic databases allow users to export references to their EndNote libraries.
  • There are several ways to add a reference to a library: manually, or by exporting, importing, copying from another EndNote library, or connecting from EndNote.

How to Download EndNote

Title: How to install and register EndNote Software

Duration: 04 Minutes 49 Seconds

Language: Urdu


This video elaborates on the installation and registration of Endnote software. It takes some time for installation which depends on the system's specification.

Institutional Access

Many universities and research institutions provide EndNote for free to students, faculty, and staff. Here's how to check:

  1. Visit your institution's library or IT services website.
  2. Search for "EndNote" in the software or resources section.
  3. Follow the instructions to download the software. You may need:
    • Your institutional login credentials.
    • A license key provided by the institution

How to insert Reference in Word File

Title: How to insert reference in word file

Duration: 03 Minutes 10 Seconds

Language: Urdu

Description: To insert references from EndNote into a Microsoft Word file, you need to use the Cite While You Write (CWYW) plugin, which integrates EndNote with Word. Here's a step-by-step guide:


How to Make New References Using EndNote

Title: How to make new references in EndNote Software

Duration: 06 Minutes 58 Seconds

Language: Urdu

Description: Many references can not be import. In this case EndNote helps to compose references. This video shows the detail of composing references inEndNote.


How to Sort and Manage References

Title: How to sort and manage references

Duration: 02 Minutes 55 Seconds

Language: Urdu

Description: This video provides information about the arrangement of Endnote library. For example it allows to arrange library according to author, date, year, title etc. Moreover one can categorize or manage the references into groups

How To Use Google Scholars For References And Citations

How To Search Research Databases Using end Note

How to Download and Install Endnote Software

How To Insert Reference in Word File

How To Make New References Using EndNote

How To Sort And Manage References

How To Use Google Scholars For Reference And Citations

How To Search Research Databases Using EndNote