Exercise Physiology is the study of how the body responds and adapts to physical activity. It explores the physiological mechanisms that occur during exercise, including cardiovascular, respiratory, muscular, and metabolic responses.
This course aims to develop a critical appreciation of exercise and applied physiology. The course will also enable the readers to understand injury prevention, rehabilitation and performance enhancement strategies.
Learning objectives
Define homeostasis and the types of systems involved in maintaining the Human internal environment
Discuss the responses, including hormonal, circulatory, respiratory, and thermal to exercise
Define principles of cardiopulmonary training
Discuss the effects of exercise on VO2 max and lactic acid
Describe the training of Female athletes, children, and the old population.
Lab work
Predicting VO2 max using the Harvard step test
Ratings of perceived exertion and intensity of exercise
Time limit test
Predicting VO2 max using Astrand Rhyming Monogram
Determining maximal oxygen uptake using a treadmill
The effects of endurance and strength exercise on CV response
Blood lactate sampling at rest and during exercise
Determining the onset of blood lactate accumulation and lactate threshold
Assessing muscular efficiency
The stretch reflex
Stoop test
Course contents
Section-1 (Physiology Of Exercise)
Control of the internal environment
Hormonal responses to exercise ( revision)
Measurement of work, power & energy expenditure
Circulatory responses to exercise (revision):
Respiration during exercise ( revision)
Temperature regulation
The Physiology Of Training: Effect On Vo2 Max, Performance, Homeostasis, And Strength
Section 2 (Physiology Of Health & Fitness)
Work tests to evaluate cardiorespiratory
Exercise prescription for health and fitness
Exercise for special populations
Physiology of performance factors affecting performance
Laboratory assessment of human performance
Training of performance
Training for female athletes, children, and special population