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English Language Teaching (ENG -312): Course outline (ENG -312)

Course contents

Unit I: Introduction to ELT

  1. What is ELT?
  2. Different methods of Teaching and Assessment
  3. Social challenges and benefits of ELT


  1. Qualification & training for teachers
  2. Professional associations and unions

Unit II: History of English Language

  1. Language change and historical linguistics
  2. Development of English Language
  3. Colonialism and Spread of English Language
  4. English in South Asia & Pakistan
  5. English as an International Language (EIL)
  6. Native/Non-native Divide: Politics, Policies and Practices

Unit III: English in Pakistan

  1. The Linguistic Picture of Pakistan
  2. English in language education policy
  3. Language planning, power and ideology
  4. Status of English in Pakistan
  5. Language and education institutions in Pakistan

Unit IV: Second/Foreign Language Acquisition

  1. Introduction to SLA
  2. Early Perspectives on the role of L1
  3. Formal approaches to SLA
  4. Typological and functional approaches to SLA
  5. Interlanguage processing
  6. Input, interaction, and output

Unit V: Methods and Approaches of Language Teaching

  1. History of Language Teaching& Major Trends in Language Teaching
  2. Approach, Method, Technique, Design, & Procedure
  3. GTM, Audiolingual Method, Oral Approach, Direct Method, Communicative approach, Task-based language teaching, Beyond Methods)

Unit VI: Teaching of Language Skills

  1. Teaching of Listening Skills (Extensive & Intensive listening, Techniques &Activities for developing listening skills)
  2. Teaching of Speaking skills (Elements of speaking, Techniques for Speaking Skills)
  3. Teaching of Reading skills (Extensive & Intensive Reading, Activities for developing Reading)
  4. Teaching of Writing skills (Teaching of writing in the classroom, Strategies &Activities for Writing)

Unit VII: Assessment of Language Skills

  1. Testing, assessing, & teaching
  2. Principles of language assessment
  3. Standardized testing
  4. Fairness, ethics and standards

Unit VIII: Teaching World Englishes

  1. Introduction to World Englishes
  2. Conceptual framework for World Englishes (native vs. non-native)


  1. Profiles across Cultures I: Asian Englishes
  2. Profiles across Cultures II: African Englishes
  3. Language Acquisition and World Englishes
  4. Teaching and Testing World Englishes

Unit IX: Teaching of Vocabulary

  1. Strategies for remembering words
  2. Presentation and Teaching of vocabulary
  3. Involving the learners of English
  4. Vocabulary games and activities

Unit X: Curriculum Development in Language Teaching

  1. Language curriculum development
  2. Syllabus design to curriculum development
  3. ESP (English for Specific purposes)
  4. EAP (English for Academic purposes)
  5. Need analysis
  6. The role and design of instructional materials

Unit XI: Use of Literary Texts for Teaching English Language

  1. Teaching literature for language learning
  2. Reasons to apply literature to ESL teaching
  3. Criteria for Selecting Suitable Literary Texts
  4. Literature and the Teaching of Language Skills
  5. Benefits of Different Genres of Literature
  6. Pakistani EFL classrooms and literature

Unit XII: Lesson Planning

  1. Introduction to Lesson Planning
  2. Pre-planning
  3. Planning a lesson
  4. Selecting Appropriate Methodology
  5. Selecting Appropriate Technology
  6. Activities for Lesson Planning

Unit XIII: Classroom Issues and Management in ELT

  1. Managing Classrooms to Maximize Student Learning
  2. Teaching in a Cross-Cultural Contexts
  3. Strategies for Classroom Management
  4. Managing Disruptive Behavior
  5. Assessment, Grading, and Cheating

Unit XIV: Classroom Interaction

  1. Pattern of classroom interaction
  2. Literacy rich environment
  3. Group work
  4. Individualization
  5. Selection of an appropriate activation technique

Unit XV: Skills for English Language Teacher & His Role in ELT Classroom

  1. Language knowledge & awareness
  2. Learning and the learners
  3. Professional development and values
  4. Teacher as a Resource, Controller & Prompter
  5. Assessor, Organizer, Participant, Tutor

Unit XVI: Learning Strategies and Autonomy in language learners

  1. Introduction to learner’s autonomy
  2. Teaching Language Learning Strategies
  3. Defining and Organizing Language Learning Strategies
  4. Empowering Your Students with Learning Strategies
  5. Activities for Learning Strategies Instruction
  6. L2 Motivation

Unit XVII: Culture, Identity and ELT

  1. Education, language and development
  2. ELT and colonialism
  3. Ideology, language verities and culture
  4. Ownership of English Language
  5. Identity and ELT
  6. Linguistic Imperialism

Unit XVIII: ELT in Pakistan: Issues and Challenges

  1. History of ELT in Pakistan
  2. Issues and challenges of ELT in Pakistan
  3. Institutional performance
  4. Role and performance of teachers
  5. Standards & quality of ELT text books
  6. Future prospects of ELT in Pakistan


Course description

The course will introduce students to basic concepts and issues in English Language Teaching. It will explore the history of ELT, mainstream approaches and new trends. Students will be familiarized with such methodologies as grammar translation, audiolingualism, presentation, practice and production, communication language teaching, task-based learning, and content and language integrated learning as well as alternative methods and approaches.

Course objectives

On successfully completing the course, the students will have knowledge of:

    • A deeper understanding of English Language Teaching from both theoretical and practical perspectives.
    • Effective pedagogic tools for language education.
    • The problems related to ELT with a special focus on Pakistani context.


Teaching-learning strategies

Teaching will be done through lecture method with a combination of tasks/projects and presentations.

Assessment and Examinations

Assessment will be done as per university/department policy.

Group study room/discussion room

Group study rooms are available at All the campus libraries. This service facilitates group discussion and research activities.

Improving your English