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Poetics of Victorian and Modern Fiction (ENG -313): Course outline (ENG -313)

Course description

This course introduces students to pleasure of reading by focusing on Victorian and Modern fiction. Students will analyse and interpret works by diverse authors to understand socio- political scenario of the times when these writings were produced. English fiction provides insight into European and American socio cultural world and spread global awareness in the students. Through reading novels students will also engage their critical skills to evaluate fundamental human experiences and universal sentiments. Moreover, the course will also help to evaluate one of the most extensive genres of writing to locate style of writing and techniques used by different novelist to portray human characters in their every shade of life.The course aims to introduce students to the works of major novelists in Victorian and Modern ages.

Course objectives

The objectives of this course are to:

    • Introduce the students to national themes and issues in Pakistani literature.
    • Apprise the students of the development of English fiction from Victorian to Modern age

    • Impart knowledge about the socio-economic conditions which provided a base for the rise of novel as a popular literary genre
    • Familiarize students with some basic features of novel construction and the ways different authors employ those features in their works
    • Introduce the students with the changes reflected in the writings, especially in fiction of the Modern age
    • Acquaint the students with the development of fiction in the twentieth century thematically and stylistically
    • Develop understanding of Modern movement that influenced art and culture as well as fiction by reflecting philosophical and theoretical trends
    • Draw attention of the students towards universal human experiences, actions and emotions represented in fictional works of Victorian and Modern ages


Course contents

Unit-I: Introduction to fiction writing

  • Socio-economic scenario that accelerated the development of English novel
  • Features of novel construction
  • Differences between novel in Victorian and Modern ages
  • Guidance on analysing fictional works by critically viewing style, themes, use of language, character sketches etc

Unit-II: Thomas Hardy

  • Hardy as a novelist and his contribution in English literature
  • Hardy and Victorian society
  • Detailed reading and critical analysis of Return of the Native by Thomas Hardy

Unit-III: Charles Dickens

  • Dickens as a fiction writer and representative of his age
  • Detailed reading and critical analysis of A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens

Unit-IV: William Makepeace Thackeray

  • Detailed reading and critical analysis of Vanity Fair by Thackeray

Unit-V: Virginia Woolf

  • Virginia Woolf as a female influential writer
  • Style and techniques employed by Woolf
  • Detailed reading and critical analysis of To the Light House by Woolf


Teaching-learning strategies

Teaching will be done through lecture method with a combination of tasks/projects and presentations.


Assessment and Examinations

Assessment will be done as per university/department policy