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Modern Drama (ENG -420): Course outline (ENG -420)

Course description

The aim of this course is to introduce the students to themes and techniques applied in drama in the Modern era. Modern drama sharply differs from the Classical and Elizabethan drama and reflects the age. Therefore, it’s awareness is necessary for understanding the modern mind-set and philosophies.

Course contents

Unit-I: Introduction to Modern Drama

  • Difference between Traditional drama and Modern drama
  • Philosophical and Literary Trends in Modern Age

Unit-II: Henric Ibsen as a Modern playwright

  • Ibsen as a playwright
  • Hedda Gabler’s detailed reading and critical analysis
  • Discussion on themes such as dilemma of Modern woman , class struggle and Modern society as reflected in the play

Unit-III: Anton Chekhov as a Modern writer

  • The Cherry Orchard by Chekhov and its detailed reading and critical analysis

Unit-IV: Samuel Beckett as a playwright and Theater of Absurd

  • Theater of Absurd
  • Waiting for Godot by Beckett: detailed reading and analysis

Unit-V: Contribution of Arthur Miller in Modern Drama

  • The Crucible
  • Death of the Salesman
  • Critical analysis of the texts Unit-VI: Oscar Wilde’s a a Modern playwright
  • The Importance of Being Earnest by Wilde

Course objectives

The objectives of this course are to:

  • Enable the students to understand the difference between traditional drama and modern drama
  • Familiarize the students to modern themes and style
  • Introduce the students to issues and philosophical trends such as Realism and Existentialism etc highlighted in Modern drama
  • Enhance students critical and analytical skills to evaluate Modern drama

Teaching-learning strategies

Teaching will be done through lecture method with a combination of tasks/projects and presentations.


Assessment and Examinations

Assessment will be done as per university/department policy.

Modern drama
