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Pakistani English Literature (ENG -429): Course outline (ENG -429)

Course description

The course constitutes Pakistani literature in English. The use of English language has flourished in our region as the legacy of colonial times and today English language is used broadly all over Pakistan. Pakistani literature in English is a unique blend of local themes and issues and projects the version of reality as perceived by Pakistanis, expressed in the English language which establishes the academic and cultural relevance of teaching this literature. This course is carefully designed to incorporate various writings since the creation of Pakistan to the present in order to trace the history and development of Pakistani literature in English. The aim of this course is to familiarize the students with local English writers and their reoccurring themes.

Course objectives

The objectives of this course are to:

  • Introduce the students to national themes and issues in Pakistani literature.
  • Enable the students to compare and relate Pakistani writings in English with English writings from other parts of the world in order to enhance critical thinking.
  • Provide the students with a wide basis for research on Pakistani issues and conflicts in literary studies.
  • Evaluate the sense of responsibility on Pakistani writers producing literature in English as a foreign language.
  • Analyse the contribution of literature to aesthetic, imaginative and intellectual growth of Pakistani society.

Course contents

Unit-I: Introduction to Pakistani Literature in English

  • Difference between English Literature and National Literature in English
  • English Language and Literature in the Sub-continent: A Colonial Agenda
  • Pakistani Literature in English as a mode of resistance against colonial structures
  • Gender Issues
  • Diaspora: Cause and Impacts upon Pakistani Literature in English

Unit-II: Novels

  • Mushtaq Bilal’s Writing Pakistan: Conversations with Pakistani English Novelists
  • Bapsi Sidhwa: Ice Candy Man
  • Muhammad Hanif: Our Lady of Alice Bhatti/ Exploding Mangoes
  • Mohsin Hmid’s The Reluctant Fundamentalist

Unit-III: Poetry

  • Taufiq Rafat: Wedding in the flood. Arrival of the Monsoon.
  • Zulfiqar Ghose: Disturbed Nights. Evidence of Genocide

Unit-IV: Screen Plays

  • Hanif Qureshi: My Son the Fanatic

Unit-V: Essays

  • Intizaar Hussain: The Problems of Pakistani Identity
  • Shahid Suhrwardy: The Responsibility of Writers in Pakistan


  • Overview of reoccurring themes across the genres of Pakistani English literature

