Unit I
o Introduction to the divine incorporation of tajweed & etc.
Unit II
o Introduction to the Qur’an
o Makki Surahs
o Madani Surahs
o Revelation of the Qur’an
o Miracle of the Qur’an
o Manners of the Recitation
o Obligations toward the Qur’an
o Compilation of the Qur’an
o Uloom-ul-Qur’an (the science of the Quran)
Unit III
o Arabic Grammar
o Noun and its different types
o By Capacity
o By Gender
o By Numbers
o Pronouns
o Attached Pronoun with Tables
o Separated Pronoun with Tables
o Verb and its Types
o Past o Imperfect
o Imperative
o Letter and its Types
o Preposition
o Haroof-e-Jarah selective study of the Quran
Unit IV
o Surah Al-Fatihah
o Introduction
o Different Names
o Importance in the light of Hadith
o Preface of the Quran
o Comprehensive combination of praise of Allah and Dua
o Surah Al-Baqarah (R 1)
o Introduction
o Characteristics of Muttaqeen
o Surah An-Nisa (R 2 - 4)
o Introduction
o Inheritance
o Fornication
o Forbidden Relation regarding Nikkah
Unit V
o Surah Al-Furqan (R 6)
o Characteristics of believers
o Tauba o False Witness
o Surah Luqman (R 2)
o Shukker
o Shirk
o Raza’at
o Rights of parents
o Bad Manners (Raza’ail-e-Akhlaq)
o Surah Al-Hujurat 47
o Etiquettes about the honor of Allah and his Rasool
o Confirmation of any news
o Razail-e-Akhlaq
o Concept of TAQW
Unit VI
o Surah Al-Noor (R 1)
o Punishment of Adultery
o Punishment for false witness (Had-e-Qazaf)
o Accusation (Lian)
o Surah Al-Ahzab (R 4 & 8)
o Status of Ummhat Ulmomenin
o Restrictions for woman in Islam
o Prohibition of co-societ
The course consists of introduction to Qur’an, Arabic grammar, fundamental principles and teachings of Islam through study of selected verses from the Holy Qur’an. This course highlights the different aspects of life and living in the light of Qur’an. It provides students a chance to get the true teachings of Islam and enlighten themselves with the Qur’anic philosophy to revolutionize the society. Along with the basic knowledge of Arabic 45 grammar, the course also focuses on the principles and ideologies of Qur’an and their interpretation in the modern world.
1. General
The general objectives of this course are:
a. To learn the true concept of Allah, values and needs of the society.
b. To motivate themselves for determination of the character.
c. To develop an Islamic professional who can work for Islamic welfare state.
d. To prepare the students for adaptation of Islamic way of life in modern age.
2. Specific
The specific objectives of this course are:
a. Knowledge:
i. To offer an introduction to the Holy Qur’an
ii. To inculcate the basic concept of the Qur’anic teaching.
iii. To know about the etiquettes of DUA.
iv. To understand the qualities of believers.
b. Skills:
i. To recite the Holy Qur’an with correct pronunciation and annotation
ii. To make them capable for understanding and translate the Holy Qur’an with the help of Arabic Grammar.
iii. To communicate effectively (written, oral and inter-personal).
iv. To solve the problems in the light of teachings of the Holy Qur’an.
c. Attitude/Behaviour:
i. To adopt good manners and avoid social evils.
ii. To develop the characteristics of MUTTAQEEN.
iii. To develop honest and responsible personality.