Journal Riphah College of Rehabilitation Sciences - JRCRSJournal Name: Journal Riphah College of Rehabilitation Sciences (JRCRS)
Journal Abbreviation: JRCRS or J Riphah Coll. Rehabili. sci.
Issues : Quarterly (4 issues per year from January 01, 2023)
Print-ISSN: 2226-9215
Electronic-ISSN: 2410-888X
Journal Website:
Affiliation University website:
Scope of JRCRS:
Journal Riphah College of Rehabilitation Science (JRCRS) is a Quarterly from January 01, 2023 journal peer-reviewed, open access journal published since 2013 by publisher Faculty of Rehabilitation & Allied health Sciences, Riphah International University. Journal encourages and invites researchers from the Field of of Rehabilitation Sciences: including physical therapy, speech and language pathology, Occupational Therapy, prosthetics & orthotics, and other areas of rehabilitation Sciences. We accept the Articles in the form of Case Reports, Case series, Original Articles: [Descriptive Studies, KAP Studies Analytical Research (Randomized Control Trials or Non-Randomized Controlled Trials), short communication], review article, special reports and Letter to editors. Ensure that you have read and understood the details noted in JRCRS’s editorial policies and must read & follow the instructions of authors. Failure to comply with the Policies can lead to delays in processing of the manuscript, or even rejection.
History: From Jan 2013 until 31 Dec 2022, this journal used to publish issues Biannually.
Aims of JRCRS
To promote the latest evidence-based practice in Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation.
To improve the Quality based research methodology, publication ethics towards the junior Research in the field of Rehabilitation.
To be aware the General community as well as the specific field community towards physical therapy and Rehabilitation.
Publisher of Journal Riphah college of Rehabilitation (JRCRS) is “Faculty of Rehabilitation & Allied health sciences, Riphah International University”.
Most respected Research scientists and clinicians have joined the Board of Trustees of JRCRS. We have undertaken to the Board of Trustees that we will continue a policy of unconditional open access for research articles and that any new owner/editor/managing editor of JRCRS would have to also guarantee to continue these policies. The Board of Trustees have the right to enforce these undertakings.
Hassan Muhammad Khan, Chancellor, Riphah International University, Pakistan
Prof Dr. Anis Ahmad, Vice Chancellor, Riphah International University, Pakistan
Dr. Asghar Khan, Dean, Faculty of Rehabilitation & Allied Health Sciences, Riphah International University, Pakistan. (Chief Editor JRCRS)