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Quantitative Reasoning-I (BIOSTATISICS) (QRB201): Course Outline

Fundamental concepts and methods of biostatistics, focusing on quantitative reasoning skills applied to biological and health sciences.

Course Objectives

By the end of this course, students shall have:
1. Fundamental numerical literacy to enable them work with numbers, understand their meaning
and present data accurately
2. Understanding of fundamental mathematical and statistical concepts
3. Basic ability to interpret data presented in various formats including but not limited to tables,
graphs, charts and equations etc

Course Content

1. Numerical Literacy
Number system and basic arithmetic operations
Unit and their conversions, dimensions, are perimeter and volume
Rates, ratios, proportions and percentages
Types and sources of data
Measurement scales
Tabular and graphical presentation of data
Quantitative reasoning exercises using number knowledge
2. Fundamental Mathematical Concepts
Basics of geometry 
Sets and their operations
Relations, functions and their graphs
Exponents, factoring and simplifying algebraic expressions
Algebraic and graphical solutions of linear and quadratic equations and inequations
Quantitative reasoning exercises using fundamental mathematical concepts
3. Fundamental Statistical Concepts
Population and sample
Measures of central tendency, dispersion and data interpretation
Rules of counting 
Basic probability theory
Introduction to random variables and their probability distributions
Quantitative reasoning exercises using fundamental statistical concepts

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