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Islamic studies/ethics (UR-110): Course outline (UR-110)

Course description

Islam and its ethical principles are comprehensive and universal. However, in general, people think Islam is like other religions, a matter of rituals, ceremonies, and offerings. This course briefly presents different aspects of the Islamic vision of life. The course will provide the students with an

opportunity for learning the Islamic viewpoint on contemporary issues and challenges including knowledge of Islamic beliefs, ethics, economics, politics, civilizations, culture, and society. The course while sharing the Islamic vision will help students in practical application of Islamic way of

life. This course is a university graduation requirement and follows guidelines of the HEC for

Learning objectives

General Objectives

Upon successful completion of the course, the students will be able:

  1. To understand the Islamic vision of life
  2. To learn the main features of Islamic way of life
  3. To know how to develop a moderate Islamic personality
  4. To identify major ethical issues faced by the Muslim society and their solutions
  5. To understand the concept of a meaningful and successful life

Specific Objectives:


  1. To understand the purpose of human life, man’s relation with the Creator Rabb, and man’s role in building a peaceful, fair, and secure social order.
  2. To understand meaning of akhlaq, moral, and ethical conduct and behavior.
  3. To learn the Qur’anic foundation of Islamic ethical system
  4. To compare and contrast the Islamic civilization and Islamic social, economic, and political system with other world systems, civilizations and cultures
  5. To understand concept of brotherhood (ukhuwah), Iman (Faith), ittihad (unity), and tanzim (discipline)
  6. To get awareness of contemporary issues and challenges faced by the Muslims and the role of youth in their solutions

b. Skills:

  1. Ability to elaborate the Islamic ethical teachings and apply them in conduct.
  2. To analyze and evaluate critical issues and challenges faced by the Muslims
  3. To seek practical solutions for ethical and behavioral issues and problems.
  4. Capacity building for social welfare.

c. Attitude/Behaviour:

  1. To excel in observing Islamic ‘Ibadat, ethical conduct(‘amal-saleh) and observe ethical values (mukarm al-akhalq) in their student and professional life
  1. To develop a creative and innovative (ijtihadi) attitude in the light of Islamic teachings
  2. To be a role model of ethical behavior and moral conduct (akhlaq hasanah) in their individual, social, and professional capacities.
  3. To become an ethically responsible (mas’ul) and pro-active leader (ra’id, qa’id) of the community (ummah)

Course contents of Islamic ethical principles and contemporary Issues: Part-I

Introduction to Islamic Vision of Life

What is a meaningful life?

Understanding the Purpose/Way of Life

What is the Islamic vision of life?

Unity in Life (tawhid) and its impact

Islam: A Complete way of Life (din, nizam-e-hayat)

Islamic identity and world view

Meaning and role of Ethics in building a holistic personality

Ethics at individual and social level

Common ethical concerns

Universal Ethical values of Islam

Ethics in an age of science and technology (can everyone decide what is good or bad)

Islamic Ideology and its Importance

Islamic view of God (Allah s.w.t.)

Islamic View of Universe

Islamic concept of man as Allah’s vicegerent on earth

Characteristics & impact of Islamic ideology

Fundamental Beliefs of Islam

Definition of Iman and Articles of Iman

Building and Strengthening Iman

Unity of One God (Tawhīd)



Impact of Fundamental Beliefs on Human Behavior (dunya and al-Akhirah)

Concept of Worship & Rituals in Islam

What is worship?

Conventional understanding

Monasticism (rahbaniyyah)

Concept & objectives of Islamic ‘ibadat (worship)

Pillars of Islam: Kalimah Tayyeba, Salāt, Sawm, Zakāh, Hajj

Objectives & Purposes

Impact on character

Personality Development

Collective Benefits

Ethical System of Islam

Meaning of akhlaq

Universality of Islamic ethics and morality

Universal role model of morality (uswah hasanah)

Course Contents of Islamic Ethical Principles and Contemporary Issues: PartII

Basic Features of Modern ideologies






Characteristics of Islamic Civilization

The divine origin of civilization and culture.

Foundations of civilization in Islam

Local and particular cultures and civilizations

Universality of Islamic Civilization

Social Ethics

Importance of family as foundation of social system

Peace & harmony as a major objective

Islamic Social Institutions; madrasah, zakah and auqaf, welfare of yatama, poor and needy

Ethics & Economy

Characteristics of Islamic economic order

Socio-Economic Justice

Business Ethics in Islam

Islam & Political Ethics

Islam & Democracy

Islam & Socialism

Islam & Secularism

Islam & Kingship

Features of an Islamic State

Allah’s sovereignty v/s people’s authority

Khilafat or vicegerency v/s kingship

Shura as binding for all

State responsible for implementation of Islamic legal, economic, social and educational system

Welfare of people

Legal equality (‘adl) and protection of human rights

Concept of Ummah: Iqbal, Jinnal, Asad

Iman as the basis of ummah

Brotherhood of faith and unity of the ummah

Discipline and order in order to promote ‘adl, peace, dignity in society

Ummah as shuhada ala amoor

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Teaching Methodology

  • Interactive lectures linked to theory & practice
  • Activity-Based Learning (ABL)
  • Experiential Learning (EL)
  • In-House Seminars/ Workshops.
  • Presentations/ Exhibitions
  • Community Projects/ Study Visits
  • Online audios/videos