Concepts and uses
Data and its types
Rates, ratios and proportions
Crude, specific and standardized rates.
Collection and registration of vital events in Pakistan
Sources of health related statistics
Measures of central tendency, (Mean, Median, Mode),
Measures of dispersion (Range, Standard deviation, Standard error)
Normal curve.
Methods of data presentation (tables, graphs & diagrams)
Interpretation of data (t-test and Chi-square test)
Sampling and its various techniques.
Health Management Information System
6. Demography and Population dynamics
Concept, demographic principles and demographic processes
Census, definition, methodology, types
Determinants of fertility, mortality
Population Pyramid, and its interpretation
Demographic Transition, Demographic Trap and its public health importance
Demographic and social implication of high population growth
Social Mobilization
7. Nutrition and Health (Integrated)
Concepts (Nutrition, Nutrient, Food, Diet). Food groups and their functions.
Role of fibre in diet. Balanced Diet
Malnutrition at all stages of life, its types causes and prevention. Common nutritional problems of public health importance and their
prevention and control
Dietary requirements of normal human being at different stages of
Food hygiene, pasteurization, fortification, additives and adulteration and preservation
Nutritional diseases and Programmes.
Assessment of nutritional status of a Community
8. Reproductive and Child Health (Integrated)
Safe motherhood and its components. (Ante-natal, Post-natal,
Family Planning and Emergency Obstetric Care)
Maternal mortality and its causes and prevention
Infant care: Growth and development. Breast feeding, common causes of morbidity and mortality, their prevention and control
Child Care: Child health surveillance. Health promotion strategies.
Common ailments, home accidents, child mortality prevention.
Strategic approaches of Integrated Management of Childhood
Illness (IMCI)
Adolescent health
Reproductive tract infections: guidelines for management of sexually transmitted diseases
9. Health of school age children (Integration.
Role of teachers and role of doctor in maintenance of health
Procedures for determining health status of school age children
Common health problems of school children
10. Environmental Health Sciences
Air: Composition of air. Causes of Air pollution. Purification of Air.
Diseases caused by impurities in air and their prevention (Acute Respiratory Illnesses)
Water: Sources of Water. Daily water requirement. Water pollution its causes and prevention. Purification of Water. Water quality standards.
Diseases due to polluted water
Waste disposal: Contents, hazards and safety measures for solid and liquid; Domestic, Industrial and Hospital waste (Global and
Marine problems)
Climate: Climate and weather. Global environmental concerns (Greenhouse effect, depletion of Ozone layer, Acid rains).
Effect of extremes of temperature, humidity, atmospheric pressure on human health and their prevention
Radiation: Sources, types, causes, hazards and prevention
Healthful housing. Urban and rural slums. Refugee camps and hostels
Noise: Definition, causes, acceptance level, hazards and control
11. Occupational Health
Concepts, of occupational health, occupational medicine and occupational hygiene. Ergonomics and its importance
Occupational hazards. Principles of control
General principles of occupational disease prevention
Organization of occupational health services
Health Insurance and Social Security Schemes, Labour Laws
12. Prevention and control of Infectious diseases: (Integration).
Definitions to differentiate between
Infection, contamination, pollution, infestation
Infectious disease, communicable disease, contagious disease
Host, Immune and susceptible persons
Sporadic, Endemic, Epidemic, Pandemic
Epizootic, Exotic, Zoonotic
Contact, fomites, Carriers, Insect Vectors, Reservoir of infection
Incubation period, Infective period, Generation time