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Statistics for Business: Home

The course is designed to give non-intimidating presentation of statistical concepts, principals and techniques most useful for students in business management

Course Description

The course is designed to give non-intimidating presentation of statistical concepts, principals and techniques most useful for students in business management. The main objectives of the course are to enhance students’ competency in application of statistics to solve business management problems and to improve their level of quantitative sophistication for further advanced business analysis.

This course uses a problem solving approach that focuses on proper interpretation and use of statistical information, while developing necessary understanding of the underlying theory and techniques. Topics include the role of statistics in modern business environments and for management information, data collection, data tabulation, probability concepts and probability distributions, sampling distribution, interval estimation and hypothesis testing, correlation and regression analysis.


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Muhammad Arif Raza
Information Services Department Riphah International University Al Mizan Campus 274 Peshawar Road Rawalpindi: