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Clinical Pharmacy: Home

Clinical pharmacy is the branch of Pharmacy where pharmacists provide patient care that optimizes the use of medication and promotes health, wellness, and disease prevention.

About Course

Pharmacy practice-va (clinical pharmacy-i) [theory]

  • Pharm 611
  • Cr. Hr. 03

Pharmacy practice-va (clinical pharmacy-i) [practical]

  • Pharm 611
  • Cr. Hr. 01
  • Clerkship in the clinical setting. A report related to clinical pharmacy practices will be completed by the students and will be evaluated by the external examiner.
  • Students will also complete a report independently or in a group on a drug use evaluation.
  • Students will take the assignment tasks to enhance verbal presentation, communication, written and problem-solving skills, critical analysis of data and provision of care through a weekly conference and projects.

Pharmacy practice-vb (clinical pharmacy-i) [theory]

  • Pharm 616
  • Cr. Hr. 03

Pharmacy practice-vb (clinical pharmacy-i) [practical]

  • Pharm 616
  • Cr. Hr. 01
  • Clerkship in the clinical setting. A report related to clinical pharmacy practices will be completed by the students and will be evaluated by the external examiner.
  • Students will also complete a report independently or in a group on a drug use evaluation.
  •  Students will take the assignment tasks to enhance verbal presentation, communication, written and problem-solving skills, critical analysis of data and provision of care through a weekly conference and projects. 

Pharmacy practice-via (advanced clinical pharmacy-ii) [theory]

  • Pharm 711
  •  Cr. Hr. 03

Pharmacy practice-via (advanced clinical pharmacy-ii) [practical]

  • Pharm 711
  • Cr. Hr. 01
  • Clerkship in the clinical setting. A project related to clinical pharmacy practices will be completed by the students and will be evaluated by the external examiner.
  • Students are required to participate in verbal presentation, communication, written and problem-solving skills, critical analysis of data and provision of care through a weekly conference and projects

Pharmacy practice-vib (advanced clinical pharmacy-ii) [theory]

  • Pharm 716 
  • Cr. Hr. 03

Pharmacy Practice-vib (advanced clinical pharmacy-Ii) [practical]

  • Pharm 716
  • Cr. Hr. 01
  •  Clerkship in the clinical setting. A project related to clinical pharmacy practices will be completed by the students and will be evaluated by the external examiner.
  • Students are required to take/present verbal presentation, communication, written and problem-solving skills, critical analysis of data and provision of care through a weekly conference and projects. 


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About Pharmaceutical Sciences

Riphah Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences (RIPS) is functioning under the umbrella of Riphah International University - a chartered “W” Category University by the Federal Government and recognized by the Higher Education Commission. The Institute has already been inspected for affiliation by the Pakistan Pharmacy Council. The institute is housed in a purpose-built dedicated campus. RIPS has 14 Labs, 5 Lecture Halls an auditorium and Conference room. All the laboratories are fully equipped with the latest equipment for conducting practicals as well as doing research work. The Labs, Lecture Halls and Seminar Library, auditorium and Conference room are all Air conditioned while the Lecture Halls are fully equipped with Multi media system/overhead projector and sound system. RIPS has a strong Faculty of 30 highly qualified and experienced academicians including 5 Ph.D’s. besides 8 visiting faculty members. Rips has two libraries, the Main library and the Seminar library which maintains a Book Bank providing text books to all the students

About Pharmacy Council

Information Advisor

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Muhammad Arif Raza
Information Services Department Riphah International University Al Mizan Campus 274 Peshawar Road Rawalpindi:

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