General Physiology / Cell
Basic concept:
- Functional organization of human body
- Homeostasis
- Control systems in the body
- Cell membrane and its functions
- Transport through cell membrane
- Genetics
- Blood
- Composition and General Functions
- Plasma proteins
- Red Blood Cell (Erythropoiesis)
- Haemonglobin & Blood
- Indices
- Iron metabolism
- Fate of Hb
- White Blood Cells
- Leucopoiesis, functions
- Platelets
- Haemostasis
Blood groups
- Blood Transfusion & complications
- Reticuloendothelial systems, spleen
Nerve and muscle
- The neuron-structure & functions
- Properties of Nerve Fibers
- Physiology of action Potential
- Including compound action potentials
- Conduction of Nerve Impulse, Nerve
- Degeneration and regeneration
- Synapses
- Structure of the muscle
- Skeletal muscle contraction
- Isometric and isotonic contraction
- Smooth muscle contraction
- Neuromuscular Transmission
- Excitation-contraction coupling
- Motor Unit
- Neuromuscular Blockers
- Gastrointestinal Tract
- Structure and General Functions
- Enteric nervous system (Gut Brain)
- Mastication, Swallowing and their control
- Functions and movements of Stomach
- Functions and movements of small intestine
- Functions and movements of large intestine
- Hormones of GIT
- Vomiting and its pathway
- Defecation and its pathway
- Functions of Liver
Cardio Vascular system:
Introduction to heart & circulation:
- Physiology of cardiac muscle
- Action potential in atrial & ventricular
- Muscle and pacemaker potential
- Regulation of cardiac functions
- Cardiac impulse-origin & propagation
- Cardiac cycle- various events
- ECG-Recording & interpretation
- Functional types of blood vessels
- Local control of blood flow
- Systemic circulation,
- Characteristics and control
- Regulation of peripheral resistance
- Arterial pulse
- Arterial blood pressure (short/longTerm regulation)
- Cardiac output
- Heart sound/murmurs
- Venous return & its regulation
- Coronary circulation
- Pulmonary circulation
- Cerebral circulation
- Cardiovascular changes during exercise
Respiratory System:
- Organization / functions of respiratory tract
- Functions of Lungs (respiratory & non respiratory
- Mechanics of breathing
- Protective reflexes
- Lung volumes and capacities
- Dead space
- Diffusion of Gases (composition)
- Ventilation / perfusion
- Transport of C02 in blood
- Regulation of respiration
- (Nervous / Chemical)
- Abnormal breathing
- Hypoxia-types and effects
- Physiology of Cyanosis
- Physiology of high altitude
- Oxygen debt