1.Autacoids and their antagonists
- Histamine and anti-histamines
- Serotonin and serotonin antagonist
- Prostaglandins and their antagonist
2.Drugs acting on respiratory system
A Drugs used in cough
- Anti-tussives
- Expectorants and mucolytic agents
B Drugs used in bronchial asthma
- Sympathomimetic
- Xanthine derivatives
- Leukotriene receptor antagonists and synthesis inhibitors
- Muscarinic receptor antagonists
- Cromoglycate
- Nedocromil
- Cortecosteroids & other anti-inflammatory drugs
3.Drugs acting on cardio-vascular system
- Angina pectoris and its drug treatment
- Congestive heart failure & its treatment
- Anti-arrhythmic drugs
- Anti-hyperlipidemic
- Coagulants and anti-coagulants
- Anti-hypertensive
- Diuretics
4.Drugs acting on genitourinary system
- Oxytocin ergot alkaloids and uterine relaxants
5.Anti-anaemic drugs
6.Hormones antagonists and other agents affecting endocrine function
Endocrine function and dysfunctions
Drug used for therapy of diabetes mellitus
- Insulin and oral hypoglycemic agents
- Corticosteroids
- Thyroid hormone and anti-thyroid drugs