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Riphah College of Rehabilitation Science (RCRS) - Introduction
The Riphah College of Rehabilitation Science (RCRS) was established in 2007 under the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences (FHMS) of Riphah International University with the aim to produce graduates of Physical Therapy and other Rehabilitation Professions in Pakistan according to international standards.
Riphah is the pioneer institute in the Entry level Doctor of physical therapy program (DPT) and Post Professional Doctor of Physical therapy program (PP-DPT) in Pakistan (Equivalency of 18 years of schooling/M.Phil as per HEC criteria) .The College has the largest and highly qualified faculty of physical therapy. This is the only institute which has foreign qualified faculty (UK & USA).
The college has two campuses, Islamabad and Lahore. The college also has great contribution for the uplifting of rehabilitation sciences professions by enhancing the knowledge and skills of the practicing clinicians. The college has a leading role by developing uniform DPT curriculum in the country.
Programs Offered