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Professional ethics and practice management: Home

Professionally accepted standards of personal and business behavior, values and guiding principles. Codes of professional ethics are often established by professional organizations to help guide members in performing their job functions according to sound


Managerial ethics is a set of principles and rules dictated by upper management that define what is right and what is wrong in an organization. It is the guideline that helps direct a lower manager's decisions in the scope of his or her job when a conflict of values is presented.

Riphah research journals

Course description

Course code: MSPP-733

The course will discuss the role, responsibility, ethics administration issues and accountability of the physical therapists. The course will also cover the change in the profession to the doctoral level and responsibilities of the professional to the profession, the public and to the health care team. The topic of health care system in Pakistan with comparison with current health system abroad will be discussed too. The role of specialist therapist in community is discussed and how the specialist can be beneficial for people. In the contents the role of Physical therapist as administrative is also to be discussed.

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