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Orthodontics(MDS): Course Outline

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Course Outline

Week (1); Lecture (50 minutes duration)

Topic: Definition, statistics, variables, population and sample.

Week (2); Lecture (50 minutes duration)

Topic: Mean, median and mode

Variance, standard deviation and coefficient of variance.

Week (3); Lecture (50 minutes duration)

Topic: Probability.

Week (4); Lecture (50 minutes duration)

Topic: Normal distribution.

Week (5); Lecture (50 minutes duration)

Topic: Confidence interval.

Week (6); Lecture (50 minutes duration)

Topic: Hypothesis testing.

Week (7); Lecture (50 minutes duration)

Topic: Hypothesis testing for two samples.

Week (8); Mid-term Written Examination

Topic:  Mid-term Written Examination 

• Multiple choice questions

• 60 minutes duration
Week (9); Lecture (50 minutes duration)
Topic: Chi-square distribution.
Week (10); Lecture (50 minutes duration)
Topic: F-distribution.
Week (11); Lecture (50 minutes duration)
Topic: Regression.
Week (12); Lecture (50 minutes duration)
Topic: Non-parametric statistics.
Week (13); Lecture (50 minutes duration)
Topic: Mann-Whitney test. Kruskal-wallis H test.
Week (14); Lecture (50 minutes duration)
Topic: Morbidity rates.
Week (15); Final Written Examination (50 minutes duration)
Topic: ***** Final Written Examination *****
• Multiple choice questions
• 60 marks
• 120 minutes duration
10) Method of Teaching:
o Lectures format.
11) Evaluation:
Students are evaluated during the course by mid-term written examination
and final written examination. At the beginning of the course the students
will be given a list of reading assignment from various textbook and
published articles related to the topics covered in the course.
12) Grading:
The total mark of the course is 100 marks and distributed as follow;
Mid-term Written Examination (40 Marks)
Final Written Examination (60 Marks)
The total marks gained by the students will be graded according to the King
Saud University grading scheme as follow.
o 95-100 = A+
o 90-94 = A
o 85-89 = B+
o 80-84 = B
o 75-79 = C+
o 70-74 = C
o 65-69 = D+
o 60-64 = D
o 0-60 = F
13) References
A) Textbook(s).
1) Lectures Notes on Basic Biostatistics for Dentistry, N.B. Khan
2) Statistics in Dentistry. J.S. Bulman, J.F. Osborn. B.D.J. Published
by the British Dental Association, 1989.
B) Selected Article(s).
Some articles suitable for the course will be distributed on time.
14) Course Director.
The course director must understand the course, its content and procedures to be delivered to the students as approved. The course director should write to
the program director at the end of each academic year report regarding the course progress and or any required change or changes in the course.

This course and its contents should be revised at last every five years by the


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