To provide instruction and practice in Screen acting for television and film, including voice, poise, and character development. Upon successful completion of the course the student should be able to develop acting techniques, voice projection, and interpret a prepared script for acting including gesturing, body language, vocal projection, and facial expressions and critically interpret scripts to perform character roles.
Mon To Fri 08:00 AM To 09:00 PM
Saturday 10:00 AM To 06:00 PM
MA Media Production is a two year program planned for students and to provide them a comprehensive curriculum on Production Skills. The course module is aimed for the students who are enthusiastic in acquiring the theoretical and philosophical aspect of the media with respective to production and direction.
The curriculum will provides hands-on-training for producing various TV programs; drama, documentary, and news and current affairs programs. Student will learn, under the supervision of senior professionals from PTV and other TV channels, the art of direction, producing, TV news writing and producing news in TV Studio, in newsroom and on the panel. They will also acquire the skills of cinematography, non-linear editing, and all post production skills incorporating media writing, production, research and how to pitch a story.
The student provides the talent; we provide great instruction, equipment, and structured curriculum. It is the students' drive and creative ability that carries them forward.