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Clinical Sciences: Clinical Sciences-II Skeletal Muscle and Tendon (783)

Clinical research is a branch of healthcare science that determines the safety and effectiveness (efficacy) of medications, devices, diagnostic products and treatment regimens intended for human use. These may be used for prevention, treatment, diagnosis

Course Description

                                                        Clinical Sciences-II

                                                    Skeletal Muscle and Tendon

Credit Hours    3(2+1) 

This course covers the organization and mechanical properties of skeletal muscle in relation to mechanisms of injury, muscle regeneration, repair, exercise-induced muscle injury and implications for injury management. Other topics include: neurophysiology of muscle pain, muscle proprioception, muscle in the control of joint mobility , biomechanics of the scapulothoracic articulation, tendon structure, response to overuse and degeneration, tendon repair, diagnosis and pathomechanics of achilles tendon and rotator cuff injuries, anatomy and pathology of the thoracic outlet region.

Course Objectives

  1. The students will have advance knowledge about the mechanical properties of skeletal muscle and tendon.
  2. The students will be able to understand the mechanism of injury to the skeletal muscles and tendon.
  3. The students will be able to understand the healing process including muscle and tendon regeneration and repairs.
  4. The students will be able to understand the consequences of injury and its effects on the body over all function and posture.

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Course Outline

Course Contents:

      1. Muscle:

  • Introduction
  • Morphology
  • Muscular Contraction
  • The Cross-Bridge Theory
  • Physical Properties
  • Applications

      2. Tendon/Aponeurosis:

  • Morphology and Histology
  • Physical Properties
  • Physical properties and Adaptive Function
  • Tendon-Muscle-Aponurosis Interaction

     3. Skeletal Muscle and Tendon Mechanical Properties:

  • Anatomical arrangement of skeletal muscles
  • Blood supply of skeletal muscles
  • The physiological Cross-section of  masule
  • Work capacity

      4. The effect of Mechanical Load on soft connective tissues:

  • Principles Underlying Soft-tissue Response to Mechanical Loading
  • Components of Connective Tissues and Responses to Mechanical Loading
  • The strong relationship between structure and function in Connective Tissues
  • Connective Tissue response to Immobility.

5. Types of Muscle work:

  • Concentric Muscle work
  • Eccentric Muscle
  • Isometric Muscle work

6. The principles of overload:

  • Voluntary and Involuntary muscles
  • Aerobic and anaerobic muscles
  • Muscle neurology
  • Energy and Fatigue

7. Functional Qualities:

  • Resistance Maximum
  • Strength and endurance
  • Coordination
  • Pain,1RM and Dosage

8. Speed of Contraction:

  • Peak Torque
  • Maintaining strength gains
  • Eccentric and concentric training
  • Fatigue and static work
  • Stretch shorting cycle

9. Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS):

  • Preventing DOMS
  • Training effects of eccentric work
  • Indication for eccentric work