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Trends in Clinical Pharmacy (Ph.D): Home

Library Resources


Clinical pharmacy is the branch of Pharmacy where pharmacists provide patient care that optimizes the use of medication and promotes heath, wellness and disease prevention. Clinical pharmacists care for patients in all heath care settings but the clinical pharmacy movement initially began inside hospital and clinics. Clinical pharmacists often collaborate with physicians and other healthcare professionals. 


This llibguide provides pointers for getting started with your research. it includes course outline links to library resources, including OPAC, ebooks, journals, databases, as well as open access of web contents. if you would like additional help with your relevant library resources, don't hesitate to email.

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Search the Library Catalog

Welcome to the Online Public Access Catalog (OPAC). This catalog provides you bibliographic information of print books available in all campus libraries of the University and provides you the facility of 2 types of searches; basic search and advance search to find the exact book or list of books you required.

Important Features for Patrons

  1. Easy access to information due to effective searching.
  2. Alert messages for patron i.e. overdue items or arrival of new items.
  3. Patron can suggest books for purchase through this system.
  4. Patrons can check his circulation history and hold on desired books.
  5. OPAC brings together library users and staff, as both can see various aspects of the system.

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