The Pakistan Development ReviewThe Pakistan Development Review started at the Pakistan Institute of Development Economics as Economic Digest in 1958, The Pakistan Development Review (PDR) has been published by the Institute regularly since 1961, with only a short pause during 1971-72. For several decades now, it has been a refereed international journal of Economics and related social sciences. Redesigned and re-planned twice in the last two decade, the contents have tended to emphasise theoretical-cum-empirical contributions; the underlying commitment has been to strengthen the interest in the general areas of Economics and other social science fields. The journal is issued quarterly and, with a fair mix of topics, regularly contains original
(theoretical and empirical) contributions to Economics, in general, and on Pakistan’s socio-economic problems, in particular. Nearly every issue carries contributions by scholars from Pakistan and overseas. Currently, the following editors work regularly on the PDR: Dr. Asad Zaman (Editor) and Dr. Musleh ud Din (Executive Editor). The Review’s Editorial Board consists of thirty-six outstanding scholars in the field of Economics and various social science fields. They actively participate in refereeing the papers Publications and Research Information submitted to the Review for publication; they also render valuable advice on other related matters.
Most national and international indexing and abstracting services in the social sciences provide useful information about our publications. The contents of the PDR are abstracted/indexed regularly by several works of reference including the International Bibliography of the Social Sciences, Econlit, e-JEL, JEL on CD, World Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology Abstracts, Agricultural Engineering Abstracts, Asian-Pacific Economic Literature, Ekistic Index of Periodicals,
Wheat, Barley and Triticale Abstracts, Tropical Oilseeds, Rice Abstracts, Population Index, International Labour Documentation, Bibliography of Asian Studies, Geo Abstracts, CABi, IORR Virtual Library, and Current Issues. PDR articles are also available worldwide through Gale Cengage and EBSCOhost. Occasionally, the PDR publishes special issues. For example, the Summer 1979 issue was devoted to a symposium on ‘Shadow Pricing’, while the Summer, Autumn, and Winter issues of 1980 were devoted to a symposium on ‘The State of Development Economics: Models and Realities’. More recent issues have carried current debates on social sciences research and the profession, while the Spring 2006 issue offers substantial focus on ‘Pakistan’s Growth Strategy’. The journal’s large subscriber list includes universities, libraries, and individual addresses in all parts of the world. Electronic access has been made possible by placing nearly all of the information about our publications on the PIDE website and by allowing Internet links.