Nursing & Midwifery Journal of PakistanNursing & Midwifery Journal of Pakistan (NMJP) is the first nursing journal in the history of Pakistan under the collaborative efforts of the Pakistan Nursing Council The University of Lahore. This is a peer-reviewed and scientific journal that publishes quarterly. The journal publishes work related to nursing educationand
, practice and research. The journal welcomes the contribution of work from other health professionals that have a direct impact on nursing. We publish high-quality papers that foster creativity and innovation in the field of nursing which ultimately promotes the utilization of evidence-based practice in the nursing profession.
Aims & Scope of the journal
This journal aims to improve the body of knowledge in nursing, promote innovative research work, improve the status of the nurses and image of the nursing profession in terms of research, practice and education.It covers aspects such as:
Applied Nursing Research
Evidence-Based Practice
Theory and Practice Gaps in Nursing
Nursing Management and Leadership
Nursing Challenges Towards Disease Recovery
Health and Social Care
Ethical dilemmas and issues in Nursing
Community nursing
Concept analysis & development
Infection Control measures
Nursing models and theories
Nursing Practice
Other areas whose manuscripts can be acceptable are Physiotherapy, Pharmacy, health-related fields as well as Social sciences etc. The journal prioritizes Original articles, Qualitative studies, Systematic reviews, Meta-Analysis, Quantitative (Experimental and Observational studies), Case Studies and Reports for publication.