This libguide provides pointers for getting started with your research. It includes course outline links to library resources, including OPAC, ebooks, journals, databases, as well as open access of web contents. If you would like additional help with your relevant library resources, don't hesitate to email.
Information Services is working as the center of information for Riphah community. The department aims to provide most dynamic learning and research environment to the users. Information Services Department comprises 10 libraries and 1 LRCs.The department educates the users by conducting semester wise information literacy classes on regular basis to strengthen the skills of students in the field of research. In order to enhance their learning capacity, information advisors emphasize on searching and study skills as well.
Monday To Friday 8:00 AM To 4:00 PM
Satuday & Sunday 9:00AM To 5:00 PM
Psychology is a relatively new field in the realm of the sciences, only about 125 years old. It began as a science of its own in 1879 in Leipzig Germany, with the establishment of Wundt’s psychology laboratory. He developed the technique of objective introspection. After his laboratory, psychology is started as one field of study and he is called the “father of modern psychology.”
There are five early schools of psychology. These schools differ in three significant ways.
Two men, working in the 19th century, are generally credited as being the founders of psychology as a science and academic discipline that was distinct from philosophy. Their names were Wilhelm Wundt and William James.