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Cognitive Psychology– I: Course Objectives

Course Code: CPsy-4101

Course Content

a) Nature and Scope of Cognitive Psychology
b) Historical Perspective in evolution of
Neural Basis of Cognition
a) Neural representation of information (Islamic references in Quran)
b) Organization of the brain and neural localization of function
c) Information coding in visual cells
Perception and Attention
a) Sensory memory: Iconic memory& Echoic memory
b) Pattern recognition: Template matching and Feature Analysis
c) Speech recognition and Voice onset time Quranic/hearing
d) Perceptual Laws of Organization
e) Object Perception
f) Spatial vs. linear representation
g) Depth Perception
h) Colour Perception Quranic
i) Perception of Movement
Knowledge Representation
a) Perception based knowledg
a) Implicit and Explicit memory
b) Retention in episodic memory
c) Working memory and long term memory
d) Interference: Fan effect
e) Recall vs. recognition
f) Memorization of Quran


What is an 'Outcome'? – GASTROS

At the completion of this course the internees will be able to become acquainted with
the use of the DSM V for making Mono-Axial Diagnosis and will also be able to
make Differential Diagnosis; Examine Clinical Manifestations, Epidemiology,
Etiology, Treatment, Course and Prognosis of Selected Disorders.
b. Understand and assess psychological problems that are discussed in Shari’ah.


How to Write Online Course Learning Objectives - SimTutora

. The course aims to refresh internees’ knowledge about the basic concepts of
Abnormal Psychology, its Current Status, main systems of Classification and
Diagnosis and Symptomatology.
b. Islam and Psychological Problems.


What is Pedagogy? How Educators can benefit from it?

Lectures, Class Discussions, Invited Lectures
Sessional Work: Assignments and Quizzes
Relevant Assignments and Class Quiz on subject


Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) and its characteristics - Library &  Information Science Education Networkprovides bibliographic information of print books available in all campus libraries of the University.