1. Blood Banking
a. Introduction
b. Requirements for establishment of blood bank
c. Human blood group system (ABO, Rh, and other important blood group systems)
d. Blood grouping: Forward and reverse grouping
2. Coombs test
3. Blood Transfusion
4. Blood Donation
a. Introduction
b. Voluntary blood donation
c. Criteria for selection of donor
d. Medical history and personal details
e. Self-exclusion
f. Basic lab tests before donating blood
g. Screening for TTI
5. Blood Collection:
Blood Bags
b. Anticoagulants (CPD-A1, CPD-A2)
c. Taking and giving sets in blood transfusion
d. Blood donation procedure
e. Post donation donor care
f. Reaction during and after donation
6. Testing donor blood
Screening donors blood for infectious agents – HIV, HCV,HBV, Treponema pallidum, malarial parasite
7. Blood donor records
Blood donor record book
Recording Results
Blood Donor Card
1. ABO Blood grouping (Forward and Reverse)
2. Coombs Test (Direct coombs and indirect coombs)
3. Rh Grouping (Detection of Du antigen)
4. Rh antibody screening and Rh antibody titer
5. Cross match (Minor and major cross match)
6. Visit to AFIT
8. Storage and Transport
a. Storage of blood (RCC) / Components
b. Changes in blood after storage
c. Refrigerated centrifuge
d. Lay out of a blood bank refrigerator
e. Transportation of Blood components
9. Maintenance of blood bank records
a. Blood bank temperature sheet
b. Blood bank stock sheet
c. Blood transfusion request form
10. Compatibility testing
a. Purpose
b. Single tube compatibility techniques using AHG reagent
c. Emergency compatibility testing
d. Difficulties in cross matching
e. Labeling and issuing cross matched blood
11. Blood components
Collection of blood for components preparation: