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Solid State Physics - II: Course Outline (PHY 4105)

Course Objective

Objectives of course:

This course will deepen your understanding of the electronic
properties of solids already gained through Introduction to Condensed Matter,
and use this under- standing to elucidate the electrical, optical and magnetic
properties of crystalline solids. It will also give you an introduction to density
functional theory. The course will be complemented by the presentation of
examples of current solid-state research

Text Book

Course Outline

Course Contents:
Crystal Structure:

Lattices and basis, Symmetry operations, Fundamental Types of Lattice, Position and Orientation of Planes in Crystals, Simple crystal structures
Crystal Diffraction and Reciprocal Lattice:

Diffraction of X-rays, Neutrons and electrons from crystals; Bragg’s law; Reciprocal lattice, Ewald construction and Brillouin zone, Fourier Analysis of the Basis
Phonons and Lattice:

Quantization of Lattice Vibrations, Phonon momentum, inelastic scattering by phonons, Lattice Vibrations for Mono-atomic and diatomic basis, Optical Properties in the Infrared Region

Thermal Properties of Solids:

Lattice heat Capacity, Classical model, Einstein Model, Enumeration of normal modes, Density of state in one, two or three dimensions, Debye model of heat capacity, Comparison with experimental results, thermal conductivity and resistivity, Umklapp processes

Electrical Properties of Metals:

Classical free electron theory of metals, energy levels and density of orbital’s in one dimension, effect of temperature on the Fermi–Dirac distribution function, properties of the free electron gas, electrical conductivity and Ohm’s Law, thermal and electrical conductivities of metals and
their ratio, motion of free electrons in magnetic fields, cyclotron frequency, static magneto conductivity and Hall Effect along with applications.
