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History of English Literature (From Medieval to Restoration Period): Course Outline ENG-102

The history of English Literature starts with the Anglo-Saxons and Germanic settlers in Anglo-Saxon England in the 5th century, c.450. The oldest English literature was in Old English which is the earliest form of English and is a set of Anglo-Frisian dia

Aims and Objectives

Literature is not produced in vacuum. Although literature is described as universal, the socio-political, religious and other influences leave their imprint on it. This being so, it is imperative to have some idea about the social history of English pertaining to different periods. This will help the students understand the literary works better.

Course Contents

  • The Age of Chaucer (1350-1400).
  • The Renaissance and the Elizabethan periods (1400-1620).
  • The Puritan Age (1620-1660).
  •  The Restoration period or The Age of French Literature (1620-1700)

Course learning outcomes

  1. a. The CC1 module consists of two groups— the first one (Group A) deals with the History of English Literature, while the second one (Group B) focuses on Philology. b. The completion of the course is supposed to benefit the students in the following ways:
  2. The course offers extensive insight into the history of English literature, while laying special emphasis on various literary movements, genres and writers that are held to be the representatives of their times.
  3. It helps the students to evaluate the way socio-cultural and historical phenomena influence the literary production of a particular period.
  4. By familiarizing students with the socio-cultural ambience and the discursive frameworks of various ages, the course helps the students to develop a nuanced appreciation of the literary stalwarts of those times.
  5. The students are also offered an in-depth understanding on the growth of the English language under the influence of various other languages including Latin and French, besides being mentored in the structural nitty-gritties of the language.

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