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Waves & Oscillations: Course Outline PHY 2101

A wave is said to oscillate, which means to move back and forth in a regular, repeating way. This fluctuation can be between extremes of position, force, or quantity. Different types of waves have different types of oscillations. Longitudinal waves: Oscil


To develop a unified mathematical theory of oscillations and waves in physical system.

Course Contents

Simple and Damped Harmonic Oscillation: Mass-Spring System, Simple Harmonic Oscillator Equation, Complex Number Notation, LC Circuit, Simple Pendulum, Quality Factor, LCR Circuit.

Forced Damped Harmonic Oscillation: Steady-State Behavior, Driven LCR Circuit, Transient Oscillator Response, Resonance

Coupled Oscillations: Two Spring-Coupled Masses, Two Coupled LC Circuits, Three Spring Coupled Masses, Normal Modes, Atomic and Lattice Vibrations

Transverse Waves: Transverse Standing Waves, Normal Modes, General Time Evolution of a Uniform String, Phase velocity, Group Velocity

Longitudinal Waves: Spring Coupled Masses, Sound Waves in an Elastic Solid, Sound Waves in an Ideal Gas

Traveling Waves: Standing Waves in a Finite Continuous Medium, Traveling Waves in an Infinite Continuous Medium, Energy Conservation, Transmission Lines, Reflection and Transmission at Boundaries.

Wave Pulses: Fourier Series and Fourier Transforms, Bandwidth.

Multi-Dimensional Waves: Plane Waves, Three-Dimensional Wave Equation, Electromagnetic waves, Laws of Geometric Optics, Waveguides, Cylindrical Waves

Interference and Diffraction of Waves: Double-Slit Interference, Single-Slit Diffraction, Double-slit diffraction.

Course learning outcomes

At the end of the course the students will be able to:

  • distinguish the scalar and vectorial magnitudes.
  • do the vector addition and the vector substraction operations.
  • express the difference between the scalar and vector product.
  • apply the scalar and vector products to the various physical system.

Reference Books

Text Books