World food situation; Food and nutrition security; The green revolution: Worldwide post-harvest losses; Global malnutrition: protein energy malnutrition and hidden hunger; Overweight & obesity; Worldwide food price fluctuations; Importance of per capita earning, consumption and purchase power; Irrational food consumption behaviour; Contribution of cereals, legumes, roots, tubers and animal products; World food policy; WTO’s trade regulations; Food bioterrorism; International food laws: European and American; Potentials of modern biotechnology to combat food insecurity; Genetically modified foods. Organic, Kosher and Halal Foods; Millennium development goals to sustainable development goals. Global Trends. Climate change.
To acquaint knowledge about global food issues having impact on food and nutrition security
To understand the role of global organizations in food production, consumption and trade
To study the impact of climate change and other threats on global food availability