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Global Food Issues: Course Content (BSGF613)


World food situation; Food and nutrition security; The green revolution: Worldwide post-harvest losses; Global malnutrition: protein energy malnutrition and hidden hunger; Overweight & obesity; Worldwide food price fluctuations; Importance of per capita earning, consumption and purchase power; Irrational food consumption behaviour; Contribution of cereals, legumes, roots, tubers and animal products; World food policy; WTO’s trade regulations; Food bioterrorism; International food laws: European and American; Potentials of modern biotechnology to combat food insecurity; Genetically modified foods. Organic, Kosher and Halal Foods; Millennium development goals to sustainable development goals. Global Trends. Climate change.

Learning Outcomes

 To acquaint knowledge about global food issues having impact on food and nutrition security
 To understand the role of global organizations in food production, consumption and trade
 To study the impact of climate change and other threats on global food availability

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