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Global Food Issues: Organizations and Societies

Organizations and Societies

Human Anatomy and Physiology Society

About HAPS
The mission of the Human Anatomy and Physiology Society (HAPS) is to promote excellence in the teaching of

Anatomy and physiology.
Click here to see all the benefits of being a HAPS member!
HAPS is open to anyone interested in Anatomy & Physiology Education, and currently includes over 1,700 members from high schools, two and four year colleges, universities, and private businesses in the United States, Canada and throughout the rest of the world.
The annual HAPS national conference, regional conferences, the HAPS-EDucator and HAPS Institute courses provide members with an important means of updating their knowledge, improving technical/pedagogical skills, investigating new technologies for the laboratory/classroom, as well as networking with a growing international contingent of peers
To enhance the quality of human anatomy and physiology instruction at colleges, universities, and related institutions.
To promote and facilitate communication and collaboration among teachers of human anatomy and physiology.
To encourage innovation, educational research, and publication by human anatomy and physiology teachers.
To promote and organize professional development programs for the teaching of human anatomy and physiology.
To promote interaction among science teachers at all educational levels.
To provide the membership with opportunities to become and remain informed about the latest developments in the health/science field.
To facilitate communication with other sectors of the educational and scientific community and to collect and disseminate to the membership information regarding events of interest.
To foster a sense of collegiality and camaraderie among members.
Some of the members-only resources include:
A discussion group that has evolved from the legendary HAPS listserv (HAPS-L) that has the most interesting conversations in A&P. Have a question? Chances are that it will be answered within hours. Have a really hard question? Chances are it will get 20 replies by the end of the day. Many of the top authors in A&P are active participants, as are many of the top instructors in the country.
An inclusive leadership that promotes member participation and growth. You don't have to be a HAPS member for decades to join committees and move into leadership positions.
Immediate access to new editions of the peer-reviewed HAPS-EDucator, which is published online three times per year. Articles cover various topics important to A&P instructors.
Online access to Anatomical Sciences Education (ASE), a Medline-indexed journal that publishes articles related to all levels of anatomical sciences education including undergraduate, allied health, medical (both allopathic and osteopathic), dental, graduate and post-graduate programs, and covers the major disciplines of the anatomical sciences
Reduced tuition for HAPS Institute (HAPS-I) courses. Courses can either earn graduate-level credit or professional development certificates. Courses are primarily all online and offer flexibility for busy professional instructors to fit the courses into their schedules. Take a look at the currently available courses here
Access to a huge array of nationally respected teaching resources. Take a look here.
A set of comprehensive safety guidelines that is continually updated.
A growing catalog of guided inquiry activities for teaching A&P for members only.
A members-only data sharing program to provide a large, curated dataset for teaching labs and classroom analysis.
Comprehensive catalog Learning Outcomes available to members
Access to the Histology Challenge - biweekly histology slides and discussion. Nearly 100 previous challenges available - many use these to sharpen their own skills and also for student assignments.
Grants and scholarships for travel and research available to members only. We want you to join and come to conferences, and we help those in our community who need help to make it happen.
Cadaver lab tours and lab reconstruction advice (both in webpages and from HAPS members if you ask...)
HAPS also works to make teaching better with:
Extensive work on clarifying faculty accreditation issues, including a set of tools for faculty and institutions to use to help clarify instructor qualifications.
Nationally respected Position Statements on Animal Use, Cadaver Use, and Distance Education. Take a look all of them here.
More than a decade of work producing the HAPS Comprehensive Exam. A fully online exam used both in the US and Internationally to characterize Instructors, Programs, and individual students.
Updated Learning Goals for Undergraduate instruction in all content areas in anatomy and physiology
A weekly curated set of links relevant news for 9 interest areas of A&P instruction known as Whats New in A&P that is used in classrooms across the country.
An active social media presence on Facebook, Twitter, and Google+ (see the links in the upper right corner of this page) to keep in touch with members and the wider community.
Check out HAPSblog for longer term discussions like Erin's year teaching A&P in a Houston high school or Wendy's amazing series on flipping her classroom one week at a time.

Organizations and Societies

PPTA: Pakistan Physical Therapy Association

Pakistan Physical Therapy Association (PPTA)

is a national organization which represents the maximum number of Physical Therapists of the country. The association is supported by a system of committees, groups, regional chapters and the board of directors.

PPTA provides an extremely wide range of services to the respected members. It is helping the professionals and the profession in education, practice and research. It is also helping the professionals and the students of Physical Therapy in proper delivery of healthcare services while protecting their rights.

PPTA will also help in the proper functioning of the Physical Therapy teaching institutes and help them to make a unified curriculum with latest updates according to the future challenges faced by the profession worldwide.

PPTA is the full member of WCPT (World Confedretion for Physical therapy), which is the sole international voice of physical therapist, representing more than 350,000 physical therapist world wide through its 106 member organisation

American Physical Therapy Association (APTA)

The American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) is an individual

membership professional organization representing more than 90,000 member physical therapists
(PTs), physical therapist assistants (PTAs), and students of physical therapy. APTA seeks to improve the health and quality of life of individuals in society by advancing physical therapist practice, education, and research, and by increasing the awareness and understanding of physical therapy's role in the nation's health care system.

AL-Umeed Rehabilitation Association

An Exclusive Treatment & Rehabilitation Day Center of Excellence, AURA is first of

its kind in Pakistan. Catering to the needs of the “differently able” brain injured children and young adults, suffering from CEREBRAL PALSY,
it started only as a Treatment Center in 1985, operating from a two roomed rented premises in PECHS Karachi. It was the ‘Brain child’ of Dr Ruby Abbasi, who had received training in the BOBATH techniques in 1984 at the Bobath Center in UK. This was as a result of the traumatic experience of her youngest son Bilal, falling prey to Viral Encephalitis at the age of 2.5 years. He was Wheel Chair bound till the end of his life. (November 29th 2005).
ALUMEED REHABILITATION ASSOCIATION (AURA), a non-profit making NGO was formed by her along with her husband Dr Major (Retd) Anwar Ahmed and other affected parents, Doctors, qualified Therapists (initially trained by Dr Ruby Abbasi in these techniques) and Social workers, in 1989. It was registered with the Directorate of Social Welfare, Province of Sindh Pakistan. Running exclusively on Donations, AURA gained the Tax Exemption status in Pakistan, for this purpose in 1992. Annual Accounts are audited by a Chartered Accountant as per the law.
AURA Treatment & Rehabilitation Center for Cerebral Palsy is now functioning out of a spacious custom built building in Gulistan e Jauhar, Karachi since the year 2000, where the program tailored to the individual needs of these “Special” persons is offered by the dedicated Trained Technical as well as Auxiliary staff, supervised by the Principal (highly qualified Therapist) foreign qualified Occupational Therapist consultant and an Administrator. Members of the Board of AURA, offer their voluntary services for the scrupulous running of the Association, which is not possible without the philanthropy of our valuable donors.