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Kinesiology-I (KINL101): Course Outlines (KINL101)

Course descriptions

Course covers the principles of mechanics and anatomy in relation to human movement facilitating students to apply kinesiological evaluation and treatment of muscular imbalance or derangement in their clinical practice. It consists of evaluation of muscular function and group movements of muscle in relation to force of gravity and manual resistance.By becoming familiar with the knowledge of basic mechanical and physiological mechanisms, students will be more confident and competentin using them in use of exercises to promote physical rehabilitation

Learning objectives

  1. Define the mechanical principles and their application on thehuman body
  2. Describe concept of movement and how it occurs in body Demonstrate fundament position, their effects and uses
  3. Explore fundamental skills to differentiate between a good and badposture and to use technique for re-education
  4. Develop critical thinking ability in students on how and why to select which technique in a specific case, suitable for its rehabilitation
  5. Describe muscular anatomy, its function against gravity and manual resistance

Course contents


Definition of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation - Definition of kinesiology


Mechanical Principles and Mechanics of Position Force - force system – Description of units Gravity: Center of gravity and line of gravity Level of gravity Equilibrium Fixation and Stabilization Mechanics of movement Axes / Planes Speed Velocity Acceleration Momentum Inertia Friction Lever - types – application in human body Pulley - types – application in human body Angle of pull


Types of movement and posture Patterns of movement Timing in movement Rhythm of movement The nervous control of movement


Definition Fundamental positions Standing Kneeling Sitting Lying Hanging The pelvic tilt


Inactive postures Active postures The postural mechanism The pattern of posture Principles of Re- Education Techniques of Re-Education Prevention of muscles wasting The initiation of muscular contraction Abnormal postures


Types of Muscles contraction Musclestone Physiological application to postural tone Group action of muscles Overview of muscle structure Types of muscle work Range of muscle work Two joint muscle work Active and passive insufficiency Group movement of joints Muscular weakness and paralysis

Lab Work

  1. Fundamentals of muscle testing Methods of muscle recording
  2. Basic muscle grading system Evaluation of posture
  3. Regional upper limb muscle testing Practical demonstrations of muscles work and its ranges
  4. Practical demonstrations of various fundamental positions andposture analysis.


The students are expected to make a practical note book. The practical note book is a collection of evidence that learning has taken place and also a reflective record of student’s achievements

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