The course is designed to study the function of the human body with emphasis on function of human respiratory system, nervous system, reproductive system, body fluids and renal system. These topics are addressed by a consideration of clinical and applied physiology in relationto clinical modules and practice
Function of respiratory tract Respiratory and non-respiratory function of the lungs Mechanics of breathing Production & function of surfactant and compliance of lungs Protective reflexes Lung volumes and capacities including dead space Diffusion of gases across the alveolar membrane Relationship between ventilation and perfusion Mechanism of transport of oxygen and carbon dioxide in blood Nervous and chemical regulation of respiration Abnormal breathing Hypoxia, its causes and effects Cyanosis, its causes and effects
General organization of the nervous system Classification of nerve fibers Properties of synaptic transmission Function of neurotransmitters and neuropeptides Type and function of sensory receptors Function of the spinal cord and ascending tracts Reflex action and reflexes Muscle spindle and muscle tone Mechanism of touch, temperature and pain Functions of the cerebral cortex Difference between the sensory and motor cortex and their functions Motor pathways including pyramidal and extrapyramidal Basal Ganglia and its functions Cerebellum and its function Control of posture and equilibrium Physiology of sleep Physiology of memory Mechanism and control of speech Function of the thalamus Function of the hypothalamus and limbic system Production of CSF Mechanism of temperature regulation Function of the autonomic nervous system and the physiological changes of aging
Function of the male reproductive system, Spermatogenesis Mechanism of erection and ejaculation Production and function of testosterone and Physiological changes during male puberty Function of the female reproductive system Production and function of estrogen, and progesterone Menstrual cycle Physiological changes during female puberty and menopause Pregnancy and the physiological changes taking place in them other Function of the placenta Parturition and lactation Neonatal physiology
Components and quantitative measurements of body fluids Fluid compartments, tissue and lymph fluid Structure of the kidney and nephron General function of the kidney GFR and its regulation Formation of urine including filtration, re-absorption and secretion Plasma clearance, Mechanism of concentration and dilution of urine Water and electrolyte balance with reference to the kidney Role of the kidney in blood pressure regulation Hormonal functions of the kidney Acidification of urine and its importance Acid base balance with reference to the kidney Micturition and its control