1. Introduction
- Concept, nature and scope of assessment &evaluation.
- Need and role of evaluation
- Modern international trends in assessment and evaluation.
- Assessment and Evaluation at higher education level.
- Assessment of Behavioral Outcomes and Behavior modification
- Participants’ views and reflections.
2. Assessment of knowledge & Behavior
- Classroom assessment techniques
- Types of assessment
- Behavioral Outcome based assessment (values, devalues, character etc)
- Theories and models of evaluation in education.
- Evaluation models and their implementation
3. Integration of objectives with assessment and evaluation
- Objectives and educational outcomes
- Taxonomy of objectives
- Preparing a table of specification
- Practical consideration in planning a test
- Principles of constructing good test items
- Qualities of a good test (Validity and reliability)
- Item Analysis
4. Tools and Methods of assessment
- Objective methods
- Achievement tests
- Aptitude tests
- Intelligence tests
- Personality inventories
- Subjective methods
- Rating scales
- Project methods
- Self reporting techniques
- Anecdotal record
- Autobiography techniques
- Interview
- Questionnaires
- Socio metric techniques
- E-techniques
5. Assessment & evaluation in Islam
- Islamic concept and nature of evaluation
- Evaluation as a practical Muslim
- Internal and external evaluation
- Self-evaluation and accountability
- Guidance for life Here after
- Philosophical consideration of evaluation in Islam
6. Students Evaluation & Statistics used in assessment & evaluation
- Understanding the assessment data
- Criterion referenced and norm-referenced interpretations
- Frequency Distribution
- Measures of central tendency
- Concept of Normal curve and t-score
7. Evaluation -------- New Trends
- Evaluation of Assignment
- Computer based evaluation (E-evaluation)
- Evaluation of Project, Seminar and Presentations.
8. Evaluation and Record keeping
- Marking student work promptly and inform students about the results.
- Recording activities and progress in an orderly way and inform relevant people.
- Evaluation of the progress of students using various methods.
- Evaluation of the progress using national criteria.
- Evaluation of morals and values