UNIT 1: William Wordsworth
Preface to Lyrical Ballads : its detailed reading and critical discussion
UNIT 2: Wordsworth’s status as a critic
Preface to Lyrical Ballads: its genesis
Wordsworth’s theory of language, subject matter
A critical study of the text
UNIT 3: Biographia Literaria (chapters XVII and XVIII) :its detailed reading and critical discussion
UNIT 4: Coleridge as a critic
His rebuttal of Wordsworth’s theory of language and subject matter
UNIT 5: Arnold’s contribution as a critic
UNIT 6: Detailed reading and critical discussion of the following essays:
The Study of Poetry
The Function of Criticism at the Present Time
Preface to poems
UNIT 7: T. S. Eliot as a critic
T. S. Eliot the brainchild of Arnold
Eliot’s concept of tradition
His theory of impartiality in poetry
UNIT 8: Detailed reading and critical discussion of the following essays:
Tradition and the Individual Talent
Metaphysical Poets, Hamlet