To give a solid theoretical underpinning of geometrical and physical optics. In terms of geometrical optics, the course spans the full range of refractive devices from simple thin lenses to reduced (Gauss) systems, and is taught in terms of unifying vergence equations. A similar approach is taken with reflecting surfaces. In the physical optics session, the wave and particulate theories of the nature of light are used to explain a variety of physical phenomena. In the final lectures of the course, the optical principles discussed earlier in the course are used to underpin an overview of several modern medical imaging technologies that are relevant to optometric practice in the 21st Century.
1.Principles of Radiant Energy
2. Emission spectra and black body
3. Interference phenomenon
4. Thin films, lens coating (interference)
5. Polarization
6. Diffraction: light distribution in images
7. Color: Spectrum, primary, equations, incandescence
8. Luminance
9. Photometric principles, units, measurements
10. Color temperature
11. Photo-electric effect
12. Photo-chemical effect