Pharmaceutical Chemistry-AI (Organic Chemistry) THEORY & LAB
Course No: Pharm 312 (Theory)
Cr. Hr.: 03
Course No: Pharm 313 (Lab)
Cr. Hr.: 01
NOTE: - Practicals of the subject shall be designed from time to time on the basis of the theoretical topics and availability of the facilities, e.g. Organic analysis: Identification of unknown simple organic compounds.
Course description:
Course No: Pharm 322 (Theory)
Cr. Hr.: 03
Course No: Pharm 323(Lab)
Cr. Hr.: 01
Monday to Thursday | 08:00am to 04:pm |
Friday | 08:00am to 07:pm |
Saturday | 10:00am to 07:pm |
Sunday | 09:00am to 04:00pm |